I Hate It When I Take a Shit and the Toilet Water Hits My Ass Message Baby Yoda Smoothie :flushed:
Considering the whole point of Twisted Translations is to be hilarious, it's not surprising it'd have more than a few hilarious moments.
- Let It Go
- The fact that "Not a footprint to be seen" was translated as "No visible legs".
- Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?
- "Tag, Anna!"
- "There, Joan tied!",
- "Please, I know you're in yourself...."
- "The people of your corpse where I know, they are containers I thought I just got here for you."
- Anna's slip into gratuitous Arabic with "Salaam, hi."
- Not to mention the unintentional Product Placement put in by McDonald's, due to Anna's third verse line "We only have each other" getting translated as "I'm lovin' it."
- Over the course of the song, Anna's goals increase in complexity. In the first verse the title drop is "Would you like to build a snow male?", in the second verse it's "Would you like to build a Yeti?" and in the last verse, it's "Would you like to build a Snowman Corporation?"
- Wrecking Ball
- The fact that "I didn't mean to start a war" was translated as "I meant to start a war"
- "I do not want to share a wall"
- "I like the ball in the sink".
- "Me fall accidents"
- Love is an Open Door
- "Jinx, jinx again" was translated as "Doom! DOOM!"
- "And before I knew like (both look awkward) No, it's nothing"
- "There is an open door!" (followed by them pointing out doors)
- "Life is very high, you, you, you, is an open door, love"
- "I like the crazy" "What?" "We finish the other's respective" "Sandwich" "(peeved) That's what have to say that you need!"
- "Can I something I crazy to say?"
- Which is followed by "Will I something awesome? Sure"
- I'll Make A Man Out of You
- "Now let's get to the point to beat Hungary!"
- "An email sent my boyfriend when I asked for male first-born"
- "You are a depressed banana I met, but before we get out of our club"
- "Mister President, I want... a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan (from you)!" (Cut to Obama expressing a Flat "What" reaction)
- "I have no pants..." note "I'm never gonna catch my breath" Spoken in a soft deadpan.
- "Um... Good-bye!" note "Say goodbye to those that knew me"
- "Hi, I had to cut poverty in the school gymnasium." *Beat, then a thumbs up*
- "Currently I wish that I knew the method swimming I really do!"
- "Flabby beer pathetic lot! And who is the rabbit?"
- "Ladderpoints is now upon us!"
- "You lack inflammation war, so go home in a six pack, up yours!"
- "Once you have a soul, you are acidic... to win."
- "Mysterious as the dark long of the shoe" (Caleb dramatically holds up a shoe)
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- "Mom... I kill people."
- "Oh my God! No! You do not need to go to the United States!"
- "That Beelzebub behind my bedroom ***ing! ***ing! ***ING!!!"
- "It is very important to have... one D."
- I Just Can't Wait to Be King
- The VERY first lyric is "I'm going to be a Queen"
- "Zealot and hair fall from the movement, the presence of F!"
- "I think me and the time... *grabs his chest* Heart disease!"
- The fact that Zazu stays a Deadpan Snarker even after a few runs through Google Translate.
Zazu: "So far...so boring"
- "Oh, I do not know a king!!"
- "King Simba would make a great malfunction"
- "I have always been the centre of attention"
- Caleb struggling not to laugh on a particularly silly line.
Zazu: "If monarchy is headed la la la, count on me! In on African clothing service, well I refuse to be!"
- Poor Unfortunate Souls
- The title line consistently translates as "the spirit of abysmal despair", which would make for excellent Boss Subtitles.
- "Scientists are strange, but I have the Holy Spirit; the spirit of abysmal despair!"
- The video is interspersed with Reaction Shots from Ariel, including nodding in agreement when Ursula claims to be ugly, glancing at her own behind at the mention of "fair lonely and pathetic rear", and generally being befuddled by the new lyrics.
- "Go! Cucumber!" Even Ariel looks confused at this one.
- "The Scream, Ursula, please grow up!"
- Something about the end when Ursula says "The spirit! Of! Abys-mal de-SPAI-AI-AI-AI-AIR!"
- "The spirit of abysmal despair!! *shyly* Actually it was not very funny"
- "And it does not help them. Yes, curricula"
- "This belt craving to be slim fit. He wants to explore a chick. Help? Yep."
- "Converted to see the light transducer. Really? Yep."
- I Won't Say I'm in Love
- "You can see it in the closet."
- "It's corny but I love me."
- "A sensible girl shaved my head..."
- "Child trafficking! Honey I am very angry!"
- "Doing it caused in our mouths!"
- "Proud blasphemers love."
- Blank Space
- "Young people 'cause we're stupid."
- One commenter pointed out that the above line, along with "cat lover game", made the song sound like it was an anthem for the internet.
- "I do not want a child who loves trees."
- In "On My Own", we finally find out why. All trees are actually bears! It Makes Just as Much Sense in Context.
- "This is a good gift-DEATH!"
- "Adulterer with enthusiasm" note Original lyric: I have a long list of ex-lovers.
- The running gag of using images of Tiger Woods to illustrate "adulterer with enthusiasm".
- "Or the pain in your hair", accompanied by Malinda saying "Ouch!"
- One of the "So it would be never"s was illustrated by Grumpy Cat saying "no".
- "I rendezvous, where are you?" accompanied by a picture of Waldo from Where's Wally?
- "Why honey, I'm a nightmare dressed like a screensaver."
- "You understand when it's sodomy."
- "Young people 'cause we're stupid."
- For the First Time in Forever
- "I do not know if I'm high or sparkling wine!" Judging by how she's singing, probably both.
- "I like a little chocolate on your face!" Complete with Anna pressing a piece of chocolate against Elsa's cheek and Elsa only looking slightly perturbed.
- "And I know this is madness, I killed his romantic desire!"
- And how "I'll be dancing through the night" is just translated as "prom".
- "Face it, she adopted a secret son."
- "May be you need to be a flat good girl."
- Be Prepared
- "Finally, I was a taxi!"
- Scar does admit later on in the song that he was high, so he probably hallucinated he was a taxi, which is still funny.
- This exchange between Banzai and Scar, especially with Scar miming eating cereal and saying his line as if the answer was absolutely obvious.
Scar: Disease control code!
Banzai: Why? She was infected?
Scar: No, you moron! Cereal!
- "...F***! Ode Russian King?"
- (sigh) "I wish I had baby teeth."
- "You... YOU WILL NOT BE HUNGRY... but I will..."
- "It's great that we'll soon be connected/With a king who'll be all-time adored," becomes "This is great, we quickly bliver League/King became an all-time cult." ...What.
- "I need to highlight the dots"
- "I am not a sheep"
- "Fat! Focus!"
- "Pearl is in my texts..."
- "Cows can't base cut accidents!"
- "Finally, I was a taxi!"
- PokƩmon
- Right off the bat, "I wanna be the very best", becomes, "I really want to be the Supreme Court."
- "I know it's my destiny" becomes "I aware of my sunshine", accompanied by the image of one or more Solrock each time.
- "I will move the earth laterally"
- The line "Our guts, our teammates it will be taken," being represented by one of the PokƩmon-Malindas being taken by Team Rocket, to Ash-Malinda's increasing exasperation.
- "I will battle everyday/to claim my rightful place" becomes, "I'll Shakhtar daily/so my point as evidence of adultery." The latter line is accompanied by a news headline, "PokƩmon Unsolved Mysteries: Professor Oak and Ash's Mom, Banging Behind Ash's Back?"
- "There's no better team" becomes "This is not a superb cricket." Accompanied by an image of Kricketune.
- The fact that despite all of the above, "PokƩmon" pretty consistently becomes "Pocket Monsters".
- "Best, you're my best mate/in this world we must produce~
- The Beatles Medley
- "We all live in a yellow submarine" becomes, "We all dwell in an amber subdomain".
- "Yellow canary. Canary yellow."
- Apparently, Google Translate Sings must have thought that yesterday was Wednesday when they translated the lyrics to Yesterday in the medley.
- "Hey Jude" becomes "Hey Jews". She even throws in a 'Mazel tov!'
- "Let it be" becomes "We". Cue the very dramatic chorus of "We, oh, we! We, we!"
- Dangerous Woman
- "Please do not interrupt the boy."
- "I locked his ass."
- During the guitar solo, Malinda seductively puts her finger in her mouth... Then she bites it and recoils in pain.
- "All girls want to be as follows: The following bad bitches, etc."
- Hello
- In between lines, she says 'No, mate, I'm making perfect sense, what are you on about?'
- "Chairs ottoman in our ttleleouel"
- "Welcome to the party!"
- "Greetig from overseas!"
- Lady GaGa Medley
- Bad Romance has been turn into Bad Rancheras.
- "I want to be like Texas."
- "I love hoe tag — what the...?!"
- "I can't read, I can't read."
- "She has my hair transferred and took my lipstick." (Also funny is her outraged expression, as if to say "seriously, what the heck, Mom?")
- "I cleaned the road."
- "Bub has spawned in this way."
- "This Chimera is perfect."
- You'll Be Back
- "That behind." *wink*
- "If you don't want King George III checking out everyone's butts, please hire translators."
- "Cry to your flying vehicles the sea when taken you see me induce."
- "Why so sad?" is translated to "Why do looked unhappy?" and after saying it, King George III makes a hilariously exaggerated sad face.
- The fact that "Oceans rise, empires fall" is somehow translated to "Canadian imperial Marine ladder drop".
- "I sent the armament squadron to remind you to my baby!"
- "And I shall love you a few days of the death of my life!"
- This:
George III: Do not waste an airplane this thing we did- [turns away from the camera, speaking] what is an airplane?
Servant: Uh, your Majesty!
George III: Er, sorry... [continues the song]- "Love and friendship will kill me...reminder that the family."
- "That behind." *wink*
- ''Hellfire
- "Madonna, Madonna, we know that you are really a man."
Commenter: I think there's something Madonna's not telling us.
- "Congratulations to my authority (I'm authority)"
- "Japan took the color of my dark hair."
- "Right burnable! Inferno! The fire in my paunch."
- "Do evil in the counter-clockwise"
- "My voice is too high!"
- "Esmeralda's chicken!"
- Jonathan doing the chicken dance and Malinda holding up a rubber chicken in response to the exceptionally ridiculous line.
- The Mood Whiplash of Frollo blissfully declaring that "He accepted me as I am: a person!"
- "God have benevolence. God was good to try me."
- "We... are... hiding!"
- "Mea culpa" somehow ended up being translated as "neglect in the Middle East and Africa".
- "The Little Mermaid is provided / Okay do not get on board: sale of meat and bones"
- While this isn't exactly an episode of Google Translate Sings, Malinda did a cover of After Ever After in which Ariel went on to state this-
"Why are you all happy? We're dying! You suck!"
- Snow White
- Google Translate Snow White tormenting Actual Lyrics Snow White with "Bond theme!". Complete with a snippet from the relevant theme each time.
- Followed once by Actual Lyrics Snow White saying "Stop with the Bond theme!"
- The look on Actual Lyrics Snow White's face when Google translates, "some day when my dream comes true" to "one day when my dreams..." and Google Translate Snow White just leaves the line orphaned.
- When Google Translate Snow White sings "Someday when spring is here" as "Someday when autumn comes", followed by Actual Lyrics Snow White muttering "wrong season."
- Google Translate Snow White tormenting Actual Lyrics Snow White with "Bond theme!". Complete with a snippet from the relevant theme each time.
- How Far I'll Go
- "How far breasts go"
- "I will not cross this line". Cue in Malinda crossing a line that was made on the beach.
- At the end of the song, Malinda runs toward the ocean... only for her to run back stating "Oh s***" because she was filming on the East Coast in January.
- "Bango calls"
- Bad Blood
- Every "Hey!" in the song is replaced either with "Damn!", "Accursed!", or "Hello Kitty!"
- Gays, now we have a problem.
- On what supposed to be "Now we've got problems" its "Now we have a quiz," and Malinda holds a quiz reading "Who wrote this song?" and the student wrote "Katy Perry" and got an F. On the final chorus she balls it up and yells "Better get 100%!"
- "Children of poor circulation, I know you're mad at me."
- The Christmas Song
- The suggestive duo of lines "His eyes filled with all the vigor of a young man!! ...She has a difficult Friday evening sleep."
- One of the Malindas attempts an epic solo... which doesn't fly well with the others.
- Popular
- For some reason 'Popular' gets translated as 'Boring'.
- "All our state airports really get me!"
- "You crucified the right man..."
- Elphaba is the Meta Gal and she gets more and more weirded out as Glinda progresses, commenting on what she says.
- "I understand." "One of us does."
- "Whenever I see someone better than me, and face it: no one is. They are unlucky."
- Glinda making a pass at Elphaba because of the bad translation and Elphaba deciding that was it and leaving.
- "Maternity know I had come to see..." "Please don't be pregnant." "Therefore, the child begins!" "NO!"
- "I see famous people."
- "Human beings/are not quite as boring/as meeeeee!"
- Beauty and the Beast
- "Deer?" "NO!"
- Prince Charming is now Prince Tweed according to Google Translate.
- "Don't Be Marvel"
- "Be our guestroom"
- "Demand for food!" *decisively slams his fist down... right on LumiĆØre's flames* "I am burning!"
- "Aesthetic and the Animals", which many commenters seem to think would be a Good Name For A Rock Band.
- One of the "Bonjour"'s was translated as "High!"
- During "Be Our Guest", the man sings "Hairy" and strokes his beard.
- Equal parts Funny and Nightmare Fuel this part of "Something There"
Belle: "He is unskilled and imprecise!"
Beast: (looks at her like he's offended)
Belle: "Now it is expensive. *looks thoughtful* And I took place *Beast looks thoughtful* I could not be seen *holds up knife, threatening voice* but it kills!" *Beast looks shocked, Belle puts knife away hurriedly and looks shocked*Beast: *Fearful* "She thinks like that. I thought I saw!"
- Also
Beast: "It came to past, I touched and stumbled, my feet! No, because I can. I must skip. I was that way before but I did not adopt."
- Also
- The line "Full of little people" translated as "Shorty", complete with Belle holding her hand to her hip.
- "And a book holding his nose", accompanied by the man holding his nose.
- Followed by "Any residual jigsaw puzzle beauty"
- "I want to take risks in the open ocean", which led one commenter to joke that Belle had become Moana.
- During "Beauty and the Beast", the guy says "I see you", while putting his hand to his eyes and then pointing at the screen.
- And at the end of the video, the words "Thank goodness for good translators" pop up onscreen.
- A Whole New World
- "I can add it to the clarity of world, shiny, shiny large!!"
- "Now when I want to talk to princess, finally decided to make up your mind"
- "You're a miracle band"
- "The assailant of cross and in-low in a tour carpet magic"
- "Please check the new dreamlike point"
- "Does not say us not, or I'll go there, no say that that separates some dreams"
- "It's glittering and translucent"
- "Now I'm in a new world and I wish you I'm"
- Double points as they sound romantic when they say that but it makes no sense.
- The fact that "Unbelievable sights" turned into "Nice views", and it had to be stretched out to scan so it sounded like "Ni-i-i-i-ice views".
- "Flying dragon, rolling arbitrary", complete with an animated dragon flying by.
- The fact that the word "hentai" got into there ("Via hentai diamond skies")
- Most of the time, the title was translated to "A new entire world" or "A completely new world", but one time it was "he adventure that was an entire world tin of innovation!"
- "That our eyes do not close"
- "His breath is better"
- "I was like a meteor"
- "Per transfection a pleasant surprise"
- "There's time to spare" was translated to "Leisure".
- "The thrill of the hunt"-said in a tough-guy voice with a fist in the air.
- Part Of Your World
- "Please note refer to the matter, is not it neat?"
- "If you think you have to fill in my collection is not?"
- "I do not think it is, I think it's a girl" (which sounds like what someone might say after being told "It's a boy")
- Followed by "Girls will everything".
- "One cave can you how to keep the many wonders?"
- "Power, it's easy and I'm devices"
- "I am whoesits whatsits positive and negative"
- "Thingamabobs you are you looking for? I am 20 this!"
- "But the treatment not a big deal"
- "How can they not? You move? Foot! Oh!"
- "dancing is required"
- "What does that word again? A walk along the bottom? Road!"
- "If you stay in the sun for the first time in a location"
- "I hope there is potential free to wonder some parts of the world"
- "I send a warm day in the sand will pay?"
- "What if it is possible to live out of the water it?"
- "You understand that the land bet'cha"
- "From the disease of the sponge"
- "Why not triggered and what it-words-what? How!?", a lot of enthusiasm on the last word.
- "If it's on me, I would not it be, love to explore the world of love!"
- "From the sea, I did want to be"
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- "The High Street rainbow somewhere"
- "Higher than the maximum"
- "There is a country that has heard during nursing me song"
- "Subjected to air sometime in a blue rainbow"
- "And if the cloud is going up entrepreneurs me back"
- "Most visitors to the top of the chimney"
- "This is where it lets me locate"
- "Bluebird rainbow multiplied else that flies"
- "Avian flying over the rainbow"
- "If happy little bluebird hot cakes"
- "Why can not rainbow?"
- Shape of You
- "I love man cubits."
- "Do not worry about the demon."
- "Taxi ride, please kiss the backseat."
- "I am the Confederate army."
- "I like shapes." Interestingly, the "I like shapes" from the original song stayed the same.
- "Gradually watermelon"
- "I'm in love with your system!" as she gazes adoringly at diagrams of human anatomy.
- Malinda concluding at the end of the video that the original song could actually be "about someone who just really loves geometry and biology".
- Christmas (a Capella)
- "Warner and Fox Dance Lady and Prancer and know, you know the comet and Cupidon and donor and SPARKLE"
- "But you have memorise the most celebrated caribou of all"
- "nasal reindeer"
- "Beautiful luminous nose"
- "As long as I can be observed"
- "You also say the light is captured"
- "Any other Caribou name I laughed been called"
- "They never let poor Rudopheul connect to certain Caribou game"
- "Fuzzy Birthnight holiday"
- "Waldorf with his nostrils so bright"
- "Santa Fe stated to say"
- "Can you navigate my Luge tonight?"
- "Then now all ringtone loved him. As exclaimed with Beatitude"
- "Will be recorded in history"
- "Lukewarm Yeti"
- "Fun happy Autonomous Republic"
- "The maize seal" Actual line With a corn pipe
- "tube Coal Eye Colour"
- "Some magic is located"
- "They have discovered the ancient Silk Road"
- "They put on their heads ever since"
- "Grandpa Frost comes to the town"
- The fact that "You'd better watch out. You'd better not cry" was translated as "You'd better beware if you do not cry more"
- "We do not recommend you avoid why are you talking about?"
- "Centuries of tin fairly and a little drums game"
- "Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, the roots of many of the trumpets sound and the value of the tummies turkey". The music has to stop so Malinda can keep up!
- "He, it seems, is immortalised"
- The 90s According to Google Translate
- From "Hit Me Baby One More Time": "I must confess, I have faith! (I think...)"
- "Oh, children, children..."
- "I did not kill me..."
- The opening line of "I Want It That Way" goes from "You are my fire," to "You are my bulyida". The singer gives a confused look and even the subtitles add a "???" after that.
- "I am a lot of money!"
- "I have done it but not crime!"
- From "Hit Me Baby One More Time": "I must confess, I have faith! (I think...)"
- My Heart Will Go On
- "Every night in my painting Cream"
- "I feel you" ends up becoming "Beethoven"
- "Remote"
- "And I will be in my bowels" with Malinda looking suitably disgusted
- "BlazBlue can touch time... / And the last one is incredible!"
- "To escape in my bowels"
- The chorus comments on the insanity of some lyrics, namely "I Believe My Heart Will Last" ("I Really Hope So") and "Know My Heart, But The Sounds" ("What Are These Sounds?")
- What Is This Feeling
- "My face has been washed away!"
- "But Garinda you are a calendar!"
- "Buddha!" "Ok!"
- "...Nippers."
- "How do you stand? I do not think I can do it!" (everyone falls over)
- Mary Poppins
- "Chim Chim Cher-ee":
- "A space bird in the chimney than that Michael Jordan"
- Hearts appear when he sings "Too cute".
- Bert suddenly dramatically declaring "Freedom will come!" before catching himself and trying to act like nothing.
- "I don't know my finger".
- "Spoonful of Sugar":
- The section starts with Mary speaking in her usual prim and proper tone before suddenly switching into an American accent and shouting "Kick ass!" and punching someone off-screen, followed by the equally shouty "The camp of the beasts!".
- When Mary sings "be a piece of bread", she holds up an actual piece of bread.
- "A sugar sponge will help to get off drugs"
- "Jolly Holiday":
- Bert doing Air Quotes on "Mary illuminates your "eat"".
- Malinda-as-Mary's expressions after Brian-as-Bert drags away her previous boyfriend and takes his place, which can be summarised as "Where'd my boyfriend go, and who are you? Why is everything brown?! Oh well, who cares? Happy walk time!"
- "Good night is blowing up!" [offscreen explosion, prompting a shocked look from Mary]
- "Feed the Birds":
- A bunny appearing next to on the line "Representatives of all the bunny around the church".
- Malinda looking distracted while singing "You cannot hear the call" and "Someone has my attention".
- Malinda looking dynamic when she sings "Toughness".
- "Step in Time":
- The lyrics are just "One step at a time" over and over and over again.
- Mary's expressions during the section, which is now about a man who has trouble walking (funny in itself). Complete bewilderment followed by a Facepalm.
- "Supercalifragilisticexpialidcious":
- "Supercalifragilisticexpialidcious" is somehow translated into "The super-sensitive potassium Xialidousus" and still fits the meter.
- "Although the sound of the... [crashing sounds] Did something terrible happen?"
- "One single eTitle and one dTel, one single eTitle and one dTel…"
- "No, do not worry! Just a word! We say a lot of things!" Which, if you think about it, is actually a surprisingly accurate description of the series itself.
- "One evening I told the girl. Now my wife is a virgin!" (Mary gives a Flat "What" expression) "Ah, and there's a wonderful thing!"
- "Chim Chim Cher-ee":
- Despacito
- Despacito means "slowly" in Spanish. After several rounds of Google translate, it has turned into "quickly".
- "We are a bit stranded. I blame you for that."
- "Growing, growing, growing; growing, growing, growing plant"
- "I have only one angle", illustrated with many portraits of Justin Bieber (who sang the corresponding verse of the original song) taken from the same angle.
- "You seem to have ears, you feel my words, you can spend a long time in a very short time."
- "I killed without problems."
- I See the Light
- "Each window is monitored on a daily basis"
- "I'm not always here, how am I blind?" (accompanied by Rapunzel leaving and then coming back and feeling Eugene's face.)
- "Where am I?" (on which Rapunzel looks confused and Eugene shrugs).
- The fact that "at last I saw the light" is translated as variations of "finally I saw the fire".
- "It's far from the world's imagination"
- "Every day away from multilingual beds"
- "Snow", accompanied by Eugene throwing petals.
- "I am the driver" (Eugene mimes steering)
- "It all depends"
- At the end, Malinda notes that it sounds like an Anime song.
- Steven Universe
- "If you are wrong, you are cool!"
- "If we can not think, we are able have always find ways!"
- "The world is a ma-a-an..." The three Malinda!Gems all give unimpressed looks at Caleb Hyles!Steven as a sign appears reading "Patriarchy Ahead".
- The cast's names have changed to: "Opal." "Cobblestone." "Bourgogne." "And Blumberg!"
- "I have never found your favorite hand."
- "Try to beat me often as possible!" "Ah!"
- You're Welcome
- The fact that "You're welcome" is consistently turned to "Nevermind".
- The song seems to like the name "Cecilia" for some reason.
- At one point, Moana-Malinda says "I am not Cecilia".
- After the lyric "When you turn to stared at the coconut shell", the camera zooms out to reveal that Maui!Malinda is wearing a coconut bra, leading Moana!Malinda to turn away in disgust.
- "I'm not normally a German man!"
- Maui!Malinda saying the words "down under" in a stereotypical Australian accent and holding up a kangaroo, while the words "Sorry Australians" pop up on screen.
- "I was dying of the sun".
- "Nevermind!"
- "No, I'm ready for wind" *Someone holds hair dryer against Malinda's face* "Happiness!"
- "Fill your boat and dive in the bush". Best part is that Malinda actually DID IT.
- "Waves, grass, on the earth".
- "Knowing a tree is now important."
- "Because they may be translated" *AYEEEEEE pops up on the screen*
- "I am fortunate, brimming with joy... Nevermind..."
- "Out of five points."
- When two scoring thingies pop up that say "Maui-5, Moana-0", Moana!Malinda says "Yeah, you win".
- "It is a roadmap for congressmen" with the map being labeled "How to freakin get along"
- "Shockingly and disappointingly, I am not a three-hundred pound demigod..."
- Look What You Made Me Do
- "Honey, I'm dead and I have been all the time."
- The titular line ends up getting translated as 'What Am I Doing?' turning the song into Taylor Swift suffering through an identity crisis.
- "You are now a TV."
- "Built in level raspberries" (followed by Malinda holding up raspberries and words on the screen saying "Why is it spelled like that?"). Closely followed by "he played the role of yam" and Malinda holds up a yam.
- "I am guilty, you do not want. I am not guilty", followed by Malinda saying "You just said you were."
- At one point, one of the Malindas mentions a man named Williams, and another whispers "Who's Williams?"
- "The dog was mine". Said while Malinda's holding a dog and someone reaches out, but Malinda says "That's my dog!".
- "A list of attributes and green have been emphasised". This is said twice, with green writing on the screen appearing that says "I'm awesome! I'm awesome! I'm awesome!" the first time and "I'm still awesome! I'm still awesome! I'm still awesome!" the second.
- "Immediately I sprinkle her and double at the time, she!"
- "I do not like your royal buttons; They cooperated with me."
- "Gold and demanded", followed by the dead one saying "Gimme that gold!"
- "He locked me and eats me". What's especially hilarious is the "What?!" said by the two other Malindas afterwards.
- At one point, one Malinda does a Shakespearean speech but fumbles it, causing the others to tell her to "skip the Shakespeare", to which she agrees.
- "I think that action is everything, I think"
- "Maybe my feet may know me but you're all here."
- "Are you the one who saved me?"
- At one point, they seem to be talking about a Hollywood Atheist named Bobby who doesn't think.
- "No, really, what is she doing?"
- One of them says "You can't be the victim and the villain at the same time. Pick one!"
- Total Eclipse of the Heart
- "Extremely sharp eyes" and "round, glowing eyes".
- "Sometimes, I am separated", followed by one Malinda leaving another and the second one saying "No, come back."
- "Out of flowers", followed by Malinda holding up an empty vase and asking "Why are we out of flowers?"
- "We live in a hot dog"
- "Take some wild leftovers"
- "Come back", followed by the screen getting smaller.
- "I study in the dark"
- "Darkness", followed by it getting pitch dark and Malinda saying "Too dark".
- The singer is apparently now immortal.
- "Heart attack" (collapses, another Malinda asks "Is anyone gonna call 911?", but then she gets up and the Malinda says "Never mind".)
- "At least I ran away"
- Malinda interrupts the song to belt out a quick rendition of Whitney Houston's "I will always love you!".
- "Sometimes I was demolished." (gets struck by a wrecking ball)
- The seemingly random line "We will live forever" becomes this when you realize the song was originally called "Vampires in Love."
- When You Wish Upon a Star
- "If you want an asterisk, you do not matter," followed by Bailey saying, "Well, that's depressing.".
- "For all I want is to test your heart", followed by Malinda checking Bailey's pulse and Bailey saying, "I'm good, I'm good, I'm breathing."
- "Even in your bed..." made even better by Malinda's appropriately suggestive expression as she sings the line.
- "It's a great question."
- Bailey's confusion over what a "scatula" is.
- "If you want an asterisk, your dream can be discussed. Like, we gotta talk about it--it might happen or it might not happen-"
- "She would take their loved ones." Bailey comments, "Uh, yeah, not scary at all."
- I Dreamed a Dream
- "And your order" (followed by Malinda saying "Can I have fries with that?" and someone saying "Yeah, sure")
- "The song of the world" (then she asks for it to be capitalized)
- "And then everything is out of the question"
- "Let there be darkness"
- "I'll forget"
- "Yes, I am very much alive" (someone offscreen ominously scoffs "yeah, for the moment.")
- "Please do not forget to taste the song and wine"
- "As if their dreams were embarrassing"
- "He sleeps on my shoulder"
- "I need my childhood on this pillar But it was given to see the pork"
- "If you dream, I will correct it"
- "We will live..." (awkward silence)
- "We cannot manage a throne" (Malinda says "I told you, that's his throne!")
- "She said that she would love my life" (someone offscreen asks "who is she?" and Malinda says "I don't know")
- "I dream of my wife", followed by the voice asking if gay marriage was legal and Malinda saying it is now, then a shot of people holding rainbow flags.
- Try Everything
- The fact that Malinda herself thinks this is one of the weirdest videos on the channel, accompanying this claim with the "gradually watermelon" clip to emphasize just what it had to surpass to accomplish this. She also describes the story of it as "Gazelle has a full on mental breakdown while trying to sell a self-help book and instead ends up joining a biker gang of simian monkeys". Yeah, we are in for a ride.
- "Anonymous head birds/Should not be any error".
- "We will give up. / I will not let myself!"
- The random "I failed miserably".
- "I want to make sure, but I am not sure".
- "Oops, thinking, thought."
- "Try Everything" was translated to "The motors of the simians".
- "When I encourage one another, I'm hurt." ("OW.")
- Likewise, "I feel pain when I am encouraging one another" ("THIS SONG IS PHYSICALLY PAINFUL.")
- "Every day, I fail."
- Go the Distance
- The translation turns the heroic, good natured Hercules… into a Lazy Bum.
- "I am going" (Thank you) "I can leave" (No, wait!)
- (Hercules, stop this at once) "I deserve this!"
- "When I see my Russia continues to speak and vote"
- "Expecting" (Hercules!)
- "Hillary me!" (You're not Hillary!) "Oh my god! (Excuse me?!) Yes, I am!"
- (Hercules! Stop holding that note forever!) *Hercules flips off Zeus*
- "I will want to, I can walk away!" (NOOOOOO!)
- The translation turns the heroic, good natured Hercules… into a Lazy Bum.
- Thriller
- "Cake cut near the heart cry... this cake makes me emotional, guys".
- The fact that the chorus of a song that was originally meant to be kind of creepy was changed to "Because it's fun, great joy". Lighter and Softer doesn't even begin to describe it. And that line is then followed by "And no one cares about the wild animals". Yeah, as Malinda said in the beginning, the song doesn't know if it wants to be scary or delightful. The next translations of the chorus are "It is a beautiful and beautiful day" and "This is wonderful, it's funny"... and again, the latter lyric is followed by "The fact that we are dying". The cheery Malinda's look pretty shaken.
- "And realize that there's nowhere left to run" was translated to just "Popcorn".
- Through the whole song, Malinda comes off as a Granola Girl who is disgusted by animal cruelty.
- Dark!Malinda starts to "educate you about animal cruelty," only to be interrupted by Cheery!Malinda shoving her out of the frame, with the declaration of "Superdita!"
- The lyric "The dead began to put on beautiful clothes" is accompanied a visual of skeletons wearing wedding outfits.
- The lyric "For you and I to cuddle close together" was changed to "I will hug you". Malinda then hugs the camera.
- "I will smite you".
- "Creatures crawl in search of blood" is changed to "The animal is drunk". And as she says that, a cartoony penguin holding a bottle pops up.
- "To form a space terrorist... and how are you?"
- The sheer ridiculousness of the sentence "Then enter the condom's eye into the body". Even the video is confused by it, if the random question marks on the screen are anything to go by.
- After getting continually interrupted by the Cheery!Malindas, Dark!Malinda sings the high "WOO-HOO" in the final chorus with the most frustrated expression possible on her face.
- "Blackberry, blueberry."
- Just Around the River Bend
- "Water is up to date"
- "We must have to pay" (holds up money)
- "Horror because" (gets chased by ghost)
- "I found a river" and later "I looked at the river again."
- "Fly to the beach, I do not know how I dreamed today"
- On "my right hand came for me", the screen is black with the word "CENSORED" written across it.
- Pochahontas/Malinda being in the supermarket at "I love these free groceries", in court at "be honest after the water", at a playground at "Can I play this game now?", at a wedding in "This is the bride who makes good walls" and by a sold house on "Can any real estate be reliable now?"
- On the lines about the environment, she's holding a sign that says "Save the Earth".
- "Falling like a noise buster, I must marry Korea."
- Sam Smith songs
- This time, the funniest part of this video aren't the weird lyrics ( though they are still hilarious ), but rather the reactions of the second Malinda, who acts like the Straight Man.
- In particular, the little break up conversation that occurs at the beginning:
Straight Man!Malinda: I just wanna know the truth. Where were you last night?
Singer!Malinda: Imagine the truth, I'm a good cheater overnight.
Straight Man!Malinda: Wait, back up, you cheated on me!?
Singer!Malinda: But I still want love!
Straight Man!Malinda: That is NOT how that works! Who with!?
Singer!Malinda: It does not matter the subject.
Straight Man!Malinda: I mean it kinda does...
Singer!Malinda: I don't want to get you out of hand (speaking) Okay CALM DOWN!
Straight Man!Malinda: NO!- "Hey you want me now?" ("Not particularly, no.")
- "Love is a feeling of love". ( "Well, duh." )
- "They did not find it." ("Find what?") "Now...BE IT." ("...?")
- "Your success is unsuccessful" ( "...Bitch..." )
- "Even though the Lord knows I have mines." (*an explosion makes Straight Man!Malinda jump back* "WHOA!")
- "You make me mad" ( "The feeling is mutual..." ) "Why am I crazy about your work!?" (*perplexed voice* "...Beats me.")
- "But when I call a child, I know I am not alone" ( "That's creepy" ).
- "I do not think that I'm crazy." ("...Really?") "You have to say that I'm crazy." ("...Yeah.") "Do not think I'm my girlfriend." ("...Okay now I'm lost...")
- "So I am close to you!" ("Woah!") "I am the greatest of all! They left and left the Earth!" *blasts off*
- Near the end, the song starts repeating "I'm nice to the birds" over and over as photoshopped birds fly across the screen and the Straight Man!Malinda starts freaking out. It's as ridiculous as it sounds.
- Singer!Malinda is waving excitedly at the birds and saying hi as Straight Man!Malinda is trying to avoid the birds.
Why are there BIRDS?!
- "I always sing!" ("Yeah, you gonna stop now!?")
- "I am really cool." *puts on sunglasses*
- This time, the funniest part of this video aren't the weird lyrics ( though they are still hilarious ), but rather the reactions of the second Malinda, who acts like the Straight Man.
- Remember Me (from Coco)
- This endearing song of family and remembrance, when put through Google Translate, suddenly turns into a song about consumerism and product recalls (The chorus is translated as 'Recall Item', 'Holiday Gift', and 'Scribble Me').
- "NO BOYS!"
- "All the problems you experience on the Subway diet"
- "To return your breasts"
- "Keep our love alive, never to get married"
- "Close your eyes and rip your music!"
- "You are in the production of new weapons"
- Perfect
- "I'm sure I'm living!" ("Wait, am I alive? Oh my god, I'm dead! Guys...")
- "Sorry, he's a boy, there is no hope in that."
- "But Thailand kissed me"
- "But you heard, dear, my dinner" (Malinda: "Is Dinner Ready Yet?" Off-screen Malinda: "Uh, no!" Malinda: "I'm hungry!" Off-screen Malinda: "Be patient!" Malinda: "Fine!")
- Google Translate Sings' inspirational quote of 2017: "Yes I'm a woman and I have more power than I have!"
- "Love, who took the children" ("Somebody took our kids!")
- "You probably have a lot of things" (the lyric is juxtaposed with a shot of Ed Sheeran's 2017 net worth)
- "He is my daughter, I will be your husband" ("What the hell?")
- "I see the front of my eyes" (Malinda then attempts to do this for real. "How does this even work?")
- "My son and I play in the dark" ("That's creepy!")
- "I do not need this!"
- "Random people skiing" (Cut to a shot of people skiing as the subtitles point out that it makes about as much sense as when this imagery was used in the song's actual music video
- "Child, suddenly in the dark, touching me" (one of Malinda's backup singers enters the frame to warn her that she's crossing the line with that lyric)
- "It's not valid..." ("Nope!") "Good night" (Malinda then awkwardly exits the frame)
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
- "DIY Merry Little Christmas"
- "Christmas is the best place for Christmas parties"
- The line 'From now on our troubles will be miles away' gets translated to this super long phrase; "My lord, two kilometers to the management to bid you welcome, and the cannon shot a soldier"
- "We are in the age of suffering,"
- Its counterpoint? "Happy Birthday!"
- "Pick up the phone!" ("For god's sake!")
- "Use the middle finger"
- Google Translate Asks Your Questions
- "Are you married to a watermelon?" Which prompts Malinda to demand Watermelon marriage legalization.
- The question "Cool?" is answered by Malinda wearing sunglasses, holding a peace sign, and a bass guitar playing in the background.
- "Would the milk care for art and cheese?" Which prompts a (British) glass of milk to confirm that it would, thank you very much. And yes, the pandas can join in too, yes.
- "What is hydraulic coconuts?" Malinda would like to think they're coconuts that can propel themselves though the air using the water inside of them.
- Then the video ends with a string of very trippy questions that cause Malinda to fall into an existential crisis and weep on her sofa.
- The Circle of Life
- At the end of the video Malinda explains that the alternative translation for 'The Circle of Life' was 'The Eternal Menstrual Cycle.' But decided she would likely be demonetized quickly for it. In the video proper, the lyric became 'For followers and life.'
- The first time the 'circle of life/for followers and life' lyric pops up the background Malinda's sing 'follow me over on Instagram.' Complete with social media icons.
- "We hope to give up" ("Give up / Give up!")
- "Refrigerator and the leopard his spots"
- "Nothing has happened before"
- "This is cool, the traffic is fine"
- "Currently we are running in a comprehensive program"
- At the end of the video Malinda explains that the alternative translation for 'The Circle of Life' was 'The Eternal Menstrual Cycle.' But decided she would likely be demonetized quickly for it. In the video proper, the lyric became 'For followers and life.'
- BTS (K-Pop Parody)
- The video opens with Malinda pondering about the idea of translating BTS' songs via Google Translate, only to have onscreen text make it clear that it's not such a good idea to do so.
- When put through Google Translate, the song 'Dope' turns into a song about blogging.
- "Keyboard Chords Keyboard Chords!"
- "Because we found two fat DNA's", which leads to one Malinda berating the other Malindas ("Bro, don't fat-shame the DNA's!")
- "Gotta Rampant Braid Me"
- "You're Addicted to Prison" (All three Malindas then proceed to give off a 'Seriously?' look)
- "A Holy Grail of Poison!"
- "My blood sugar spills my lungs" ("You should get that checked out...")
- "These cats should read"
- The lyric "Mic Drop" becomes "Mike Drop", which is represented in the video by pictures of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence literally getting 'mic dropped'.
- Some of the backup Malindas have trouble when it comes to the lyric "Look at your foot" to the point where the video ends with one of them falling down.
- "Alexander Hamilton" from Hamilton
- The start of the video. "Lin Manuel Miranda, I apologize for what's about to happen."
- For starters, "Alexander Hamilton" becomes "Alexander Lukashenko".
- And then immediately afterward, Alex says that it's not his name.
- And then after that, when Eliza is introduced, her last name is crossed out and replaced with Lukashenko.
- "Who is the Prime Minister and the University?"
- "Alcoholics are very wise..."
- "After eight years, he made a great car."
- "Put the spoon in a sacred place, connected to the brain."
- "A voice came, saying, 'This baby is a man!'"
- "What's your name, my cheater?"
- "Bacon, spices..."
- "There is a heavy odor, and they can not enter"
- "I do not work because it's easy to try."
- "He died!" ('Spoilers')
- "No refund fees!"
- "Macintosh!"
- "Diabetes is not available for sale!"
- "You can log in to New York"
- "Boot Search White!"
- "Oh, Hamilton Alaska!"
- "Do you know what the script says?"
- "We have to cope with him..."
- "Am I? I'm going to die!"
- "Now? With the mamas!"
- "Now? He liked it!"
- And finally, from Aaron Burr, "Am I? I am very crazy!"
- The best part is that, really... The ending is really not that inaccurate a summation.
- "Havana"
- "Havana, ooh na na" somehow translates to "Hawaii, he he he", leading to a ukulele arrangement, and later, a trio of backup-singing Malindas wondering if they just got off the wrong flight. Helps that a subsequent line is translated to "take me back, take me back to the Cubans".
- "This, I am going to Hell. Oh no."
- "moths with headphones", accompanied with a surprisingly cute image of just that
- Somehow "Jeffery" is mangled into "Jyephphyer."
- "Only the graduates of the university are out of the blue"
- "The Atlanta East was without a new curse"
- "Cars sound like a trap"
- "Yeah, it hurts... Sam's girlfriend is here."
- "Give me the curry... GIVE ME THE CURRY!"
- After all that demanding, she says sweetly, "I eat"
- "The horror!"
- "Why me?!"
- At the end, the refrain becomes a panicked "OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD!"
- Pick up lines according to Google Translate
"President Lincoln Lincoln Barack wants it."
- "Did you eat honey? Because you've got this donkey." (*Donkey hee-haws in the background, causing Malinda's date (played by her real-life boyfriend) to turn around in response*)
- "Do you eat? Do you like to have sex? I can give you two, it will be my day."
- Google Translate DESTROYS Movie Quotes
- Not only did Malinda put each movie's most quotable lines through Google Translate, but the movie tiles as well, so we get some gems such as
- Oh Magician
- ...
- It Called for Street Parking
- Virgin Marcus
- The Cowboy's Cow
- Sexy Sponsors
- War War
- Sneaker
- These Are New Women
- Koala
- Rent a Party
- Do Not Care
- Apollo 13
- "When a bell rings, the pieces need to shoot the angels."
- "Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to kill me?"
- "TIE! James Blunt."
- "It doesn't matter."
- "I'm not able to do this. ...That's it." (walks away)
- "Want a Gooberry bus?"
- "I vant to have dinner here."
- "My mama always knew chocolate chicken. I never knew what she was talking."
- "My name is Gigi Montova. And my dad died. And that kinda sums it up."
- "They took our lives, and then they didn't use them! WHAT THE HE-"
- "HOOT! We have a problem."
- "I want people to die."
- "The first blackness of communication: is for drug money."
- Not only did Malinda put each movie's most quotable lines through Google Translate, but the movie tiles as well, so we get some gems such as
- "New Rules"
- "Hoppin will save me" (Malinda bunny hops her way off screen)
- "Dude, do not worry... I will have to attack again"
- As in the original song, there's an odd moment in the bridge where the vocals are pitch-shifted to sound very low. After Malinda lip syncs this part, she puts a hand up to her throat and looks confused, as though she's wondering how her voice suddenly got that deep.
- "Do not make friends, no friends"
- "Journey to the Past"
- "Sorry, this time I die." (which, technically, is more accurate to the real-life story of Anastasia compared to the film and musical)
- "And no matter what kind of fun the world is / It's a trip"
- "Yes" *awkward pause* "Yes"
- "In the dream, the dog is not true" (cuts to Malinda's dog)
- "Wanting to be safe and secure / Your homes not safe."
- "When it was time… Get them!"
- And the line before that was "Clan love".
- "I also found a normal way to love"
- "I do not need anything anymore!" (pulls out a map) "Who knows this street?"
- The concept itself is pretty funny - the video alternates between Malinda giving and demonstrating a normal makeup tutorial, then giving and demonstrating the google translate version: The cumulative effect of the mistranslated instructions leads to a look involving autumn leaves, an American flag, a washcloth, colorful lines drawn all over her face, pieces of lace stuck to her eyebrows, and a crown on her head.
- "Thanks to all, and Malinda Reese Kathleen, my name. I love the woman but I have to go, ami. Good night!"
- "Start with humor or humidifier in your eyes. This helps you make every effort."
- "Then make a source near the edge of the eyelid and drop it in the corner of the eye."
- "Then spoil the fingers and garbage."
- "Use the corrector for the first time before searching for her sister and her lower face, face, and hidden face."
- "Strengthen the pain and use it with an eel brush."
- "Go to your leaves, mozzarella, peel off the pressure, and put it under the flag. You can use flames and clips. It is said that it also hits the face."
- "Now we have moved our eyes. Use the screwdriver to increase the focus of the eye."
- "Ask for a large amount of gold, it is finished! After looking in the dark and below."
- "The colorful pencil or horizontal line lines, Tracey!"
- "Glasgow! Use the black eye shadow to tell it one of its flaws."
- "Clean the strings and put the best lace in the top lid, to see the outer corners to complete the eye."
- "You can make it hard and easy to do the exercises as long as you like, but I use the pump and I complete the graphics * "HELP ME" and update the 7th."
- "You can choose if you want to see bragging lips. (puts crown on head) Look, I am His Majesty!"
- "The end. Putting the camera and setting up is no power. (low battery indicator comes on)"
- "This video has been insulted. DESTRUCTION!"
- "You have the privilege of getting a dildo" (the way Malinda delivers this line gives it a certain Sophisticated as Hell quality)
- The way that "acne" is translated into itself. Malinda quips "some things can't be translated away..."
- "If you wear trash, you use abuse, rabbit and sex! ...NO!"
- "Caleb hyles sings better" becomes "Caleb positive influence on style" - Malinda says it like it's a new slogan for Caleb, and it's accompanied by a photoshopped picture of him in Cool Shades, with the caption "Hi Caleb you're great".
- The original comment was "I showed this to my mom and she said her song was ruined." Malinda says the translated comment in a voice one might use if one was insulting someone back after being insulted: "Well, I told her mother that she was a bad musician!".
- One troll wrote "thumps" up instead of "thumbs" up and Malinda can't say that without laughing.
- "You cannot fit into a seed."
- One comment accuses Malinda of ripping-off Jimmy Fallon's 'Google Translate Songs,' which prompts Malinda to look into the camera while letting out a dejected sigh.
- Meta example: Malinda mistakes a Welcome to Night Vale reference for a hate comment.
- "Shawn Mendes''
- The first line of the first song immediately kills all momentum due to getting an overlong translation: "You are sitting at the right hand of the father it means it is true you came to me".
- "People can fight the moon, I think"
- "And maybe I should try to meet and socialize"
- "This is not my baby"
- "Girls like you must be boys"
- "Show me mathematics"
- "Good morning, Libby"
- "I want a ship"
- The entire medley was being extremely sexual with lyrics such as..
- "I can work hard on her"
- "Then you will take my ass"
- "And I have no nipples"
- "I think I'm a cock"
- "Now I have no clothes"
- The very next line after "I can work hard on her" is "that's nice", and it's sung by a pair of very sarcastic backup Malindas.
- "You don't have the space, bwahahaha." (yes, she actually sings an Evil Laugh)
- "Well done, I'm appalled."
- "If you are dying, pie!"
- "How good do you feel when she's dead?"
- "And not have a place in a container? / DO NOT TOUCH THIS THING."
- "No Tears Left to Cry"
- "I'm dying a lot."
- "So, I'll kill him, I want to fetch"
- Malinda's miming for these lines adds to the humor - she brandishes a pair of scissors threateningly, then acts like a playful puppy.
- "I woke up because I'm alive."
- "I have died, but boy, I'm happy, happy, happy"
- "I want, I'm living, I'm up. (Oh s***.)"
- "Seagull training ability"
- "Now I have a suggestion: Give me all the honor" (cue Malinda-as-Ariana Grande being rained on with ticker tape, and later, Grammy award statuettes)
- "Enchanting - those pampers are haunted... So I'm gonna pee" (the first part gets illustrated by bedsheet ghosts materializing behind some diapers)
- "We're here, we're weenzinsin!" (confused look from Malinda)
- "I was crushed / by whoopee cushions"
- The final line is "Yes, we will start again", which prompts one Malinda to start the song over before another one cuts her off.
- "God Help the Outcasts"
- "Prayer is cheesy"
- "God will help the wicked / Death of humanity / Look at the kindness."
- "Serious gravity is happening" (Malinda suddenly starts falling down)
- "The Middle"
- "I am with thy a pong man" (three question marks proceed to pop up next to the lyrics)
- "Hey, why are you here? I do not know. Why can't not I Phillip. Bye, aah!"
- "I'm a little stupid"
- "When Will My Life Begin"
- "Mean meals for seven weeks" ("This is child abuse!" (additional subtitles note 'Anyone ever thought about that?')
- "If you are using an email address, or maybe seven" (seven Rapunzel-themed emails pop up on-screen, with one referencing Rapunzel's voice actress Mandy Moore)
- "I take some pictures of my father" (cue Malinda doing that to her own father, who stares at the camera awkwardly ("Sorry dad"))
- "How did my life begin?" (cue Malinda looking up how babies are made, with subtitles noting "And that's how Rapunzel's innocence was ruined")
- "I'm scared of color"
- "I held the pots" (one of the few instances where the translated lyrics accurately represents a part from the film)
- "When will my death start?"
- "Can see fire" (a callback to the 'I See the Light' GTS video)
- "Today, I'm a muffin"
- "Every year is a festival in British Columbia"
- "Mammoth can be alone / tourism..."
, assembly of an IKEA wardrobe by making translations of the instructions on IKEA pictograms.
- "You have been hunting, shells and hammocks."
- "If your skin becomes rough or rough, you will not be able to house the Bori in a flat place. Instead it prevents with a cover."'
- "If you do not make sense in every direction, you can call-" "NO!"
- "We start with the tip of its cookies."
- "About the districts, one of the participants involved in combining one with a simple look-in-look to turn to the short trial court."
- "You're going to go into these drawers. Leave the drawer in the furthest corner."
- "Please confirm that it is not too young or not invented."
- "Coconut is one of the most important sources in the world."
- "This is a preview of how to get rid of your cheap airline ticket." ("NO REFUNDS, SUCKAAHHHHS!")
- "There is no kissing system."
- "Please hippocammer a short shadow." (Malinda looks confused while several question marks appear on-screen)
- "One Day I'll Fly Away"
- "I'll get rid of it sometime."
- "Leave the assassination tomorrow"
- "Will come to the end of the world"
- "Everything will end tomorrow" ("IT'S POINTLESS!")
- "Why do you say a lot?" ("JUST SHUT UP!")
- "Fly fly fry"
- On the last note Malinda steadily holds up a frying pan until she looks like she's about to attack someone with it.
- "And that was how they all died..."
- Google Translate Makes My Birthday Cake
- "The first three hundred and fifty foreskins." Beat "Not a chance in hell that I'm gonna illustrate that..."
- "Color or butter or glue in the first line."
- "Combine wheat, zucchini, blood, milk, milk, parsley, and snap, in a long chicken or a particular organ. (organ scare chord)"
- "Avoid mixing, or simply use the pill to mix it well."
- "Pomegranate, vegetables, eggs, and volatile dough will grow faster and faster."
- "Get closer, and get ready to bring warm water until it misss the seasons too."
- "The game is good and the water is very rich."
- "This is what I have tried to do, with a happy, happy, scary scare!" (Malinda does a ridiculous "happy dance", then lunges at the camera a couple of times)
- "Cooked kiwi meat together with these two cookbooks. (Cooking Basics for Dummies and Baking for Dummies)"
- "Cook in the center of the chocolate cake for 30-35 minutes until you add a toothbrush or a card tester."
- "Remove the bark and the scurry for ten minutes."
- "Swallow the pan completely and swiftly."
- "Frost Frost, and Seafood."
- As Malinda points out, so many of the ingredients are mistranslated into fruits and vegetables that she's basically made a salad instead of a cake... Which would actually be a healthier alternative, except "the glue kinda kills it".
- The Declaration of Independence
- "We will debate the truth" (cuts to Malinda trying to hold back a comment)
- "They have participated in the Convention"
- "Some advantages"
- "They are living"
- The United States Constitution
- "We the people" becomes "We are in the United Nations!"
- "Hijab, which requires a very long time"
- "Virtual manager, installing local train"
- "Exhort and strengthen this man, a common fountain, to ensure that we and our banks are blessed with freedom, [to] create and set up a US laboratory"
- Conclusion: "So the United Nations set up a laboratory experiment which is the United States of America, which is managed by robots, that made unsafe local trains-wait, that's why the New York MTA sucks so much! People wear hijabs, banks rule the country, and we are just fountains. #MakeAmericaFountainsAgain"
- "America the Beautiful"
- "For yellow yellow sandwich"
- The line "For purple mountains majesty" was simply translated to "For pigs."
- "And celebrate Muslim Brotherhood / The Baltic Sea!"
- The Declaration of Independence
- "Mother Knows Best
- The song title is now "Money is Good".
- The whole song has Malinda!!Rapunzel constantly being confused by Malinda!!Gothel's nonsensical lyrics.
- "Asked by the Republican?" ("Oh I'm not Republican!")
- "You know why we are in this field" ("I'm pretty sure we're in a tower")
- "It's best to keep you and your voice safe" ("I'm not Ariel!")
- "Protection of the father" ("I have a father?")
- "Do I have a mother?" ("Probably?")
- "You do not want to be a castle" ("Nah, I'm good")
- "Cash! I believe in animals"
- Rapunzel's responses to "Money is good" are "Yes, money's great, but..." and "It's not about money!".
- "Execution" ("Don't kill me.")
- "Dead" ("Uh, mom?")
- "Money is good, one quarter, this is a terrorist country"
- "Birds and thorshis, poor foods, IKEA, tears and snakes, dead, beautiful photos, thumb, no! No! NOOOOOOO!"
- "I have changed, the rain did not, I was successful"
- "Stand still, AND SHUT UP, STRANGERS!"
- "Violence cannot be used, the trial insufficient, cannot be done, please stay execution"
- "Alcohol and what's fine, it's not clear"
- "Once again, I like shirt tattoos. I'm on the bus. I LIKE IT!"
- "Go forward, roll in an airplane, come on, Lee booty drop dead!"
- The fact that Rapunzel's name was translated as "lettuce."
- Another line came out as asking Rapunzel to "be a mom", which is met with a "not now" reaction. Some versions of the fairy tale include Rapunzel getting pregnant from the prince.
- "Simple, pure, straight trash" ("Hey!")
- "Corn in just seconds" (an ear of corn appears)
- Take a Chance on Me:
- "This is the first time on the Internet."
- "Honey, I'm for sale. Give me freedom.", which sounds like slavery.
- After one of the "Give me freedom"s is "This is my baby's request".
- The awkwardly long line "You get to the fact that you usually get the same impact on your health and the same issue happened, as a replacement for lamenting", which brings the music to a full stop
- "If you only know about the eyebrows."
- "I'm stupid. Try to prove that."
- Mamma Mia:
- "He was wrong with the Lord because he had faith in him."
- "I love this DVD."
- "And the house will stay with me OK?"
- "I have forgotten the rules"
- "Mother Mary"
- "Did Bessie die this summer?" ("#RIPBessie")
- "Hundreds of mammals show up again."
- "Sass pass, how did I do that?"
- "Yes, I'm allergic" (holds up a jar of allergy meds)
- "Blue is very tense. Why are you dating?"
- "I'm not the Wifi eye."
- "I will never kill you." ("Well that's comforting...")
- Dancing Queen:
- "Candles are painful, the EU wants to go."
- "Do you have a hut? Are you a statue?"
- "Everyone can be a man"
- "With some Irish music" (cut in favor of an Irish jig as Malinda attempts to do an Irish stepdance)
- "Hula Queen/Fresh and Tasty/Only Seventy"
- "Make mosquitoes in the tomb, yes"
- "You cannot do it, you can dive"
- "The bee"
- Take a Chance on Me:
- All Star
- "All that glitters is gold" becomes "Poland"
- "My daughter has no knowledge of branches" (which works as an unintentional callback to "I do not want a child who loves trees"; Maybe she deliberately shielded her daughter from learning about anything tree-related)
- "How can you wash hot water?"
- "I'm not f***en tired." (with the caption "me at 3 AM")
- "Not now, a college lawyer is looking to kill me."
- "Only by washing a picture of a mushroom"
- Rather than repeating the chorus a few more times like the original song does, Malinda ends with the whistling solo and an Overly Long Gag consisting of her "washing a picture of a mushroom" with an increasingly intense expression on her face.
- "Can You Feel the Love Tonight"
- The fact that the song becomes a song about friendzone.
- "For instant messaging / That summer summer was dead"
- "That, with some of these animals, is a sin"
- "But are you dining? / That's it" (music cuts off awkwardly)
- "We are on the big wall. / This is unfortunate."
- "Can I stay the night?" "Denied."
- Similarly: "What if you have a romantic night?" "You cannot"
- "King's idea, and homelessness is the best thing to do"
- "We are blended with pizza"
- "The King and the Vagina"
- "BADLY TRANSLATED Beauty Commercials
- "I want to take care of skin care. I want to fill a box of chickens, and add unnecessary hair to the jaws."
- The Dollar Shave Club becomes the Puppy Barley Club.
- For the shampoo commercial Malinda advertises a product called "Trucs de Cheveux". It's literally French for "hair stuff". Which the video points out, but it sounds cool and that is what matters.
- Multiple francophone commenters have corrected her pronunciation, saying it sounds more like she's saying "trucs de cheval", meaning "horse stuff"... But they all seemed to agree it actually made it funnier.
- Through Google Translate it became "hair loss".
- "I am 60 years old this year."
- The perfume product Malinda advertises is called "Gradually Watermeloned", for obvious reasons.
- After translation, it becomes "Silence", which some have taken to mean that Google Translate doesn't like people talking about it.
- "Africa"
- "Listening to quartz rocks"
- "I think some of the words have been written and the subtitles have been written" ("Get it? Cause… there's subtitles…")
- "He came to me with a voice" / "Be angry and stand there"
- "Don't eat dogs"
- "African hydropower" * Nope, "I pray to Auckland for the rain, * wrong continent Thank you for the rain of the USA, * still wrong continent I like snow in Africa * wrong precipitation?"
- "Compressed diabetic watermelon" (backup Malindas: "Gradually watermelon")
- "Problem with counting 2,430 feathers"
- "Star Wars displays stars leading to the store" (backup Malindas: "commercialism")
- "On the road, I was defeated by an old man." (Cue animated old man attacking Malinda with Cane Fu)
- "I will take your lunch away from you." / "You cannot seduce hundreds of people."
- The first time "I will take your lunch away from you" is sung, Malinda is casually eating lunch at a table when another Malinda sneaks up and grabs her meal. The second time, Malinda is chasing after the second Malinda, who is still kangaroo-hopping away with her lunch.
- "I'm having ice cream." / "Time to get drunk!"
- "I just want to sleep." ("Go away and let me sleep.")
- "African hydropower!"
- "Of course this is just one of Madagascar" ("There are multiple Madagascars?")
- "Google Translates My Workout"
- "Hello everyone, and I congratulate Melinda * Nope.... as I cross the train."
- "Today we will use our own body to gain weight in our way to get our backs." ("I—I don't wanna gain weight-") "MAKE SURE THERE IS NO WATER!" (naturally, the pre-translation text was the exact opposite of this)
- During the normal workout instructions, Malinda places a bottled water on the ground. When the translated version gets to the "no water" part, she forcefully kicks the bottle away.
- "We need to get up in the morning. [banjo music] We're going to start hot Hotjelly's High Back by jumping a minute jumping and set the moment."
- "Start with a small card, encourage incense, barking sand on the floor, hammering hands. Repeat and practice your typing."
- "Move the sidewalk legs more than the normal, close each side a cloak." (Malinda does a silly walk across the room)
- "Today the pelvis and dolphins have come in front of their cells."
- "Come to Earth on stone stones by going to the Factory Land."
- One of the comments is "Malinda in Factoryland"
- "From this place, extend the ground in the spaceship."
- "Drop your back and take your job."
- "Please keep your mouth on the other side and move slowly to the penis. It takes a few seconds. [beat] Please don't demonetize me..." (this is censored because it's pretty sexual)
- "Next, bike backhoes, cut one end of the knee, and when necessary. To break the Devil, the head begins on your knees." (Malinda kicks a Devil emoji)
- "Make the plant with exactly one half of a wheelchair and Hell on your side. Please tackle the balance by placing the roof up into your upper palm."
- "Guinea pigs are a good practice."
- "One day skiing trip in the air after the dog for liquids."
- "Use the nucleus to avoid falling on the ankles or arms. Get that nucleus. (Malinda starts chasing a nucleus graphic but it moves out of frame and Malinda falls) Whoop, too late."
- "As a result, keep a cow in the table."
- "Use genetic muscles to maintain balanced balance, and keep your balance balanced and balanced. Stop operation!"
- "Repeat this four hour cycle, how sad you are about how long your work is," something many feel about working out in real life.
- "He pulled his hands to Heaven, sat back, and shot his face."
- "They turn their backs. Also, you are the only one who is spoiled."
- Original: "Now you are ready to seize the rest of the day." Translation: "He was ready to shut down the remainder of the time."
- "If Google Translate Dictated My Morning Routine
- The whole video makes the two Malindas feel like a Right Way/Wrong Way Pair. For example, normal Malinda pressing the snooze button on her iPhone while her Google Translate counterpart accidentally presses the flashlight on her iPhone instead and screams as the light blinds her.
- "Good night! Prepare yourself for how much you're going to learn, so I'll do tomorrow, I'll let you go!"
- "In the morning about self-defense! I cannot know where I live today."
- "I use sleep sleep at 7:30 AM. I'm synchronized with the proper sleep cycle because I want to sleep!"
- "But of course, I often press the flashlight over a lot of time."
- "First, take the dishes to your bed, sitting in my hotel, throwing the iceberg, and work on your face."
- "I have no one, and I have to work hard in the morning. Life is not my favorite, but it helps me to SUFFER and SUFFER in my healthy health."
- "About 8:30 p.m., I return to home and did it the fastest way. Because my body is only crazy, but I do not want to waste the water!"
- "I'm going to speed up on a beautiful screen so I can get dressed and wear so I can wear a spectacular panda dress!"
- "Then he washed my face in the lake, I printed it, humidity and serenity."
- "Express * "Google Translate Express: Faster and even less good!" is very important and safe."
- "I often lose my hair, or in the trees."
- "My day filled my nipples, made my corti, added some points, pretty secret, on my lips, lips and lipstick I'll give pinks of colors."
- "It's been a long time and it will be 10 minutes by Sprint Sprint in the same place 10 minutes" (cuts to Malinda running in place) "I like to reassure myself." ("I'M DOING GREAT!")
- "I love buying cupcakes with many proteins, fruits and other additives." ("Eh… I don't think this has any protein in it.")
- "I had a bright orange and jellyfish white dish. Both are an inspiration."
- "For the ninja day, I will oblige lunch at lunchtime. I'm not awake, but I'm happy to help." (A half-asleep Malinda keels over)
- "I will work with the sun! If you are looking for a way to start your daylight, informations and corsets and informational course."
- "This is Halloween
- "This is Halloween" is turned into "State of Arizona"
- "In this town of Halloween" = "The city of San Jose"
- "Movie. Everyone's watching. / Kill people better! Kill people better!"
- "Betty, all the cookies!"
- "We want this city here / Everybody hates pumpkins."
Pumpkin-headed guy: HEY!
- "Adam was a trash bin in the corner"
- One of the ghost-Malindas starts crouching down as though preparing to jump; the other three roll their eyes: "No one is waiting for you to jump"
- "Do not be yourself!" "...That's sweet."
- "Monroe died tonight" (insert picture of James Monroe, with his eyes crossed out)
- "I am a prostitute and I'm sorry."
- "I am afraid am afraid of my hair!"
- "I am an umbrella! Fill your dreams of terrorism" "Wait, what?"
- "Delicious meatballs in the world, *holds up a plate of meatballs* life is not enough"
- Jack and Sally are apparently having relationship problems.
Sally: This is our relationship...
Jack: But we are not talking. - "Korea expects no delight"
- "Get it like a rabbit / leather store" complete with pelvic thrusting.
- "This is Halloween and it's boring." Made funnier given that that's the entire premise of the movie.
- "Jack is from a football club, now everyone has a cup of tea"
- "All people hail from butternut bitches."
- The ending, where the translation of "La" to "Na" causes everyone but Jack to spontaneously burst into a performance of Hey, Jude.
- Malinda has only this to add in the outro:
- "This is Halloween" is turned into "State of Arizona"
- The Plagues
- "Thus saith the Lord" becomes "So Lord Sith".
- The angel chorus's dramatic descriptions of the plagues all end up becoming either completely nonsensical, much more lighthearted, or in one case the exact opposite of what's supposed to be going down ("I'll give you a heavenly paradise").
- "We send fashion and fashion / Keep your cats at home / Mulawai has access to security services / Please don't sing anything in this pie"
- "After being your pet, a sheep has sex / You have no cowboys in your dreams / Your introduction automotive engineering / Gus is here to break, so spend it"
- "Then send a butterfly, and give a kiss / I did not expect that"
- "I made a scarf, I have a glass"
- "I joined the group / I will send flowers"
- "There will be a spoon shortage"
- "Laughs at a carrot (ha, ha) / I want everything"
- "I'm having a rave at my place"
- "Subscriber? That is what I want" (indicates "Subscribe" button)
- At one point the lyrics get a little real: "Because everything is wrong / Most of you out of money"
- "Girlfriend / And never head how bless the costs China will never grow"
- "I do not let my people..." (trails off)
- The final chorus is changed from "(I will not) Let my people Go!" to "(Nah) Come On!" at the end of which Ramesses shrugs and changes their mind.
- One of the lines is translated as simply just "Electricity".
- "Panic! At the Disco"
- "This is a small shopping event" doesn't seem too funny, until you realize the video was uploaded Black Friday. Understatement, much?
- "Unfortunately, the bad bride is a big beach."
- "Oh, Ham week. (Yeah!)"
- "Mommy, can I get another anime?"
- "The breast to put around the breast to the breastreport."
- After translation, "Death of a Bachelor" becomes... "Death of Diarrhea." Cue the fart sounds and Malinda looking constipated.
- This is reinforced by the next line in the background harmony being, "Water Stomach!" and Malinda holding her abdomen as if in cramps and pain.
- One of the lines is translated as "Nevermind (Moana)"
- "Tell me to kill you"
- "White Christmas"
- For starters, the opening line is "Dream of White Wine."
- "This day is fresh and unholy."
- "The image of Jesus Christ is white." ("Was Jesus white? Deep questions, man.")
- "Where are shark threes / And where are the kids?"
- "I heard an eye" ("How does that even work...?")
- "Ask your brothers to be happy" ("Be happy! It's Christmas for GOD SAKE-")
- "And all skin types can be white" ("Is that racist? Is Google Translate racist...?")
- "Google Translate Gives a Weather Report"
- "Thanks water, we are running juice this week. This map has been taken."
- "We can see lightning, but in the west, and they are, there is the cold of the face of the face, but for the end of the week of the minute, Caesar 4 but waiting for the light."
- "Tomorrow we'll get spiders scattered, at least seventy and at least 40 degrees."
- "Twenty percent of wet sugars are used for killing in the first few years."
- "A major windstorm in the northeast will be prolonged to nine years."
- "In the near future, we will see pictures in the mid-1940s, but we will feel the results of this Cold War Wednesday."
- "Panda all the time. Heat is ideal for 25 seconds."
- "However, fears of flying sea ice accept others."
- "Since Jupiter's death, some of them, even the victims of 15,000 miles per hour, have come to arrest the frisbee."
- "If you live in a hurricane area, keep an eye on GTS news closely, as we will announce the shutdown of school and government. [shows picture of US Capitol Building with the word "SHUTDOWN" emblazoned over it] Too soon..."
- "We can clean up the sun on Thursday, see us see what your block is. (We're stalking you)"
- "Google Translate Reads Your Horoscope
- The signs of the horoscope:
- Wheeled Wheels (Aries)
- Mule (Taurus)
- Twin Kids (Gemini)
- That is Sick (Cancer)
- Kitty (Leo)
- It is Right (Virgo)
- A Lot (Libra)
- Scorpion in Debt (Scorpio)
- Cancer (Sagittarius)
- Dragon (Capricorn)
- Woodnik (Aquarius)
- Moist "Ew"." (Pisces)
- "It is possible to listen to your comments and ask if this is the purpose of creation."
- "They can strengthen strong forces and conquer the government's protesters. [beat] Basically a dictatorship."
- "My Dick is of course a bit difficult but exceptional". [beat] "Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter. It's spelled with a capital "D", it's a person!"
- "Speedy speed", which Malinda thinks should be slang for "treadmill"
- "Without Russia there is no time to think."
- The signs of the horoscope:
- "Google Translate Makes Dinner *FAIL*
- "Today, everyone else offers homemade dinners and a delicious dinner with colorful bread."
- "It is possible to find the latest audio, audio so that you hold your neck every week and enjoy your right hand."
- ...measuring ingredients."
- "Every evening supper is 30 minutes. I am with a few cats and many parents and I look for little."
- "As this shepherd makes their summer, take care of this recipe, and start just outside this garden garden. [beat] MAKE YOU!"
- "Grab and dry the broiler for the fireplace." [beat] "I don't have a fireplace."
- "Reduce, blowfish, kale. Cats, beans and nuts related."
- "In Columbia - Rubicon, we race carrots that are three quarters in length, and then cut the clams."
- "The pineapple is 1/2 cubic cubes."
- "The paper is satisfied with the toilet; salt, paper and intermediate copy."
- "Nightshade (???) juice enough to send it to a common pot."
- "I am flicking a dagger for fifteen minutes."
- "Dinner aaaand back to the bathroom."
- "Trick or dried potatoes and cigarettes."
- "2 spray and cookies and cream, salt and pepper."
- "There is also a lamp and a large fire."
- "We add the pudding, makeup, until it is finished until it will turn brown in 5 to 6 minutes."
- "Hide hidden plans!"
- "34 mornings, 4 minutes."
- "You can chicken the chicken in the heat in the heat."
- "Add egg and stir for 4-5 minutes until it cools down."
- "After all, the booths and liquids are expanded."
- "With a cup of water and paperwork low, gradually..." [long pause] ("Don't.")
- "Use a short tiny temperature for up to 2 minutes."
- "Pooh, chicken, and pumpkin."
- "Send eight to eight bowls."
- "He is kneeling."
- "The pig was processed 2-3 minutes until the cheese was injured." Malinda's reaction to the injured cheese makes it even funnier.
- "At least three minutes before serving the food, we sleep."
- Friend Like Me
- "But the ninety-nine Antonio (stereotypical reporter voice) There are thousands of reports in the media."
- "'Cause of your sledgehammer (sledgehammer moves towards Aladdin) You have an unmistakable ornament."
- "Now I stick to the wall, some wheelchairs are in stock."
- "A little spanking pizza"
- "I'll die (Please don't)"
- "Male Harry Potter head" (Aladdin's head turns into Harry Potter's)
- "Leave", said in an unamused voice while Aladdin says, "OK" and walks away.
- The title is now "You Do Not Have a Friend", which offends Aladdin.
- "Please contact your hotel's knight."
- "We pride ourselves on slavery. (Don't be proud of that)."
- "You're a chair. Cut, cut." (awkward silence)
- "Spinal cord"
- "I saw the Italians."
- "Can I make friends? (Uh, maybe) Am I your friend? (You said I had no friends) Does this helmet eat your meat? Your ally bubbles sword!"
- "This is a cookie! A lover can't wear any bra (Genie mimes flashing the camera), Then remove the acne (Aladdin feels his own face)"
- "I do not want to be a cat"
- "For the answer to your birth (holds a birth certificate)"
- "The force is very important."
- "What does Cha mean?"
- "There is doubt about three miles away (sign reads Doubt 3m)"
- "Everything you do is something great and that's good"
- "Alarms listening and other needs"
- "You're a wonderful monkey"
- "My girlfriend likes you!" ("Wait, what?" "She was mine! (cries)")
- Google Translate Sings: "Sucker" by the Jonas Brothers
- For some reason, the lyrics "I'm a sucker for you" ends up translated as "I will nurse for you" prompting scenes of Malinda breastfeeding a baby doll. "Are you uncomfortable yet? Because I am."
- Later on there's some choreography that involves swinging the baby doll around - a Caption appears stating "no babies were harmed in the making of this video".
- "Subconscious eating everything."
- "I will walk behind you in the dark, do not worry."
- A different translation of the same lyric becomes "I will follow you into the dark", causing Malinda to suddenly break into the Death Cab for Cutie song for a few seconds.
- For some reason, the lyrics "I'm a sucker for you" ends up translated as "I will nurse for you" prompting scenes of Malinda breastfeeding a baby doll. "Are you uncomfortable yet? Because I am."
- Airplane Safety Instructions
- "And we know that we are baptized" (baptizes herself)
- "We are proud to be united by a silver coin that will bring to you this great protection", which sounds like something out of a fairy tale.
- "The ceilings are hot" (touches the ceiling, but then says, "Ow!" and shakes her hand)
- "Bring the last iron to the brush until the vibrato is sounded" (holds up a hair iron and brush while someone offscreen sings opera)
- "I just selected it"
- "Too brilliant evidence of a built-in riot" (a riot happens in the background)
- "Disorder can be eliminated by protesters or protesters! They're still going out there!" (the riot continues)
- "Make sure you are in the right place" (looks around confusedly)
- "Wiping the table"
- "Remove all items, remove all important things,"
- "And insert the menu terminated! Airplane." (holds up a menu)
- "Activating the activists"
- "Under American law, must fill and manage all cookies."
- "Two years ago, pillows and after."
- "The Acne Market"
- "They invited him to avoid a flying ship" (pirate ship flies over Malinda's head)
- "There is a jacket of life under the throne of the people."
- "Sin is not a lifeline on the Java page"
- (wearing a bucket on her head) "Please wear your head bucket"
- "After pushing the space shuttle"
- "Overdue is inspired by the pie."
- "Before long, the stadium suddenly collapsed and the muscle melts fell."
- "Drag the mice and start the oxygen explosion."
- "Remove the head from the nose and mouth"
- "My body passes through the tennis"
- "I am happy and fascinating and sorry for some reason."
- "And thank you for the plane, France."
"We stole this plane from France. They're after us." (flees)
- "Google Translate Explains
Game of Thrones." Warning, the non-translated version makes about as much sense as the translated version.
- "King Lover Lover, Robert Loveron, moved to one of his twin twins and Jimmy, and he solemnly swore to his three teenagers in Galilee."
- "The father of King George Harrison was killed and asked Robert to swap the yacht."
- "When Sulayman was in charge of Sitora, Ned and his daughters went to the south and...so on."
- "Way to the jam tower. Has a Catholic but Bob Morrison turn back."
- "Satan Zone bounces from the night sky and white musicians attack them."
- "In Esos, the Dentures carry the dragonfly's dragonfly, and produce the dragon's fruit, and weighs it with golden gold at the top of the horse."
- "Ned looked so good"
- "So Robert tells him that his real heir is a gendarme, but with the help of a sergeant, King Bellies and Crete, was deceived to kill Robert."
- "The negative reaction, hepatitis, burn, pain, and loss of head."
- "Winfel Secaucus, and a rocky boy named Rock Scank, is covered by a kid."
- "The chicks have been killed, and Denny was removed from the vagina, so the honey was removed, they became naked, wounded, and without three small chickens."
- "Google Translate Asks Your Questions, Part 2
- "Are you sure you have another country?"
- "What do I do?!". Malinda answers with, "You do you."
- "What is the most difficult way to make a video?"
- "What does this mean?", Malinda answers, "Uh, nothing".
- "Thank you for the pleasure", which Malinda thinks sounds like flirting.
- "How many chickens?". Malinda holds up her arms and says dramatically, "All of the chickens!" while cartoony chickens fill the screen.
- "How many trees managed to cope with a spider like a walnut?" Malinda responds that she doesn't know because she herself doesn't like spiders and is allergic to walnuts.
- "I believe my husband is pulling my donkey in me. Do you want to do it?" Malinda responds, "No and you might want to have a chat with your husband."
- "Are you on YouTube?" Malinda looks around and says, "Uh, yeah!"
- "Birds?! What are they?!"
- "How do you know how to play a video?". Malinda tells about the play button. The next question is "Check if it works", so she checks the play button.
- The question "What are some of your pet peeves?" turns into "What do you like?"
- "How many islands are there in a banana smoothie?" Malinda talks about how there may be a whole dimension in there.
- "The duo of the gyrosurgical snail?". Malinda tries to interpret this one - something about two snails, a spiral, and surgery.
- "Why a prostitute everywhere?" Malinda says it's because it's The Oldest Profession.
- "What is your favorite hunger meter?" Malinda replies, "My stomach".
- "21 Pilots"
- "now I'm sure I'm afraid of people" (Malinda turns to Elise Ecklund and shrieks in terror, as if she just noticed that she wasn't alone)
- "I think you think my name is Bloverfish"
- "We've ducked our mammal, but now we're disturbed" (one commenter theorized that this line is about the discovery of the platypus)
- "Unlimited friend pain"
- "I've been thinking too much, help me" becomes the much more laconic "so sad, help".
- "Old Town Road
- The Chorus:
Yes, I will go to my eggs
I'm gonna dance until I don't exist
I would like to ride an ancient horse
I'm no longer on a hamburger ride- "Be aware of the murderous horse" (Exit, pursued by a murderous horse)
- "Camelschoffel is confirmed"
- "The black color is black"
- "Find the bean and TRICYCLE SPAREPARTS is a horse, day"
- "I can beat your Mitsubushi. I'm happy...now you are a door."
- "I can not speak" is shown with Malinda with duck tape over her mouth constantly.
- "Satan's tractors are coming"
- "My son cheated on me." (Malinda looks disturbed) Let it go"
- "Song Song Song Song"
- "The calorie town in Bavaria is called a large stone"
- "I spent a lot of money on my new Gittar." (holds up guitar) ("That's how it's spelled, right?")
- "Children are used: they pay for weapons ("Wow, that's dark.") using the power of Richard Welding
- "I don't wanna move again" (Malinda lays down on the floor with her cowboy hat over her face)
- The Sound Of Silence
- "Hello darkness, my old friend / I've come to talk with you again" becomes "hey dark, hi / let's talk".
- "Let's talk with the production of wine"
- "But the witch Thiana Gian seems to be a nice sky"
- "There is a saint on my head"
- "Read more ("read a book, people") on a suitable bus"
- "I wore my hair and changed the oil"
- "I mean, my eyes are nice"
- "Nude and see the light" ("I see the light") / "Thousands and millions of Transformers, perhaps more"
- "People listening to dog"
- "Dogs are often deaf" (Malinda: "Selanna?" Dog: "Don't care")
- "The man who recorded the song did not share this"
- "Break the beep"
- "I said 'Dummies, I would like cancer.'"
- "So I got my sticks"
- "Acupuncture for New Guinea"
- "Merger and explosion" ("Kaboom")
- "Then we write interesting Metro reading"
- "It is a toilet"
- "People worship their worship and worshiiiiiip"
- "And a funny voice"
- "Toast" (solemnly eats a piece of toast)
- I Don't Care
- "I'm in a fish I don't want to be in"
- "I'm not prepared and I have no clothes"
- "I can face my back"
- "Ask yourself if it's possible to buy a seat"
- "Where is my hand?"
- The singer ends up sounding arrogant with lyrics such as "I love myself" and "But who does not love me?"
- "Is everything in life real?"
- "Holiday does not match with confidence"
- "I have a lot of shape"
- "We want one with fox"
- "I want you to have a child"
- "And that man right in front of me"
- "We can control the lightning chain"
- "Yes, that's my son" (complete with random images of babies)
- "What is your name?"
- "Because you're still in prison, I'm sorry"
- It leads to one YouTube comment thinking, "New Rules continuity?"
- "Taxis in hell cost $6 per minute"
- "We do not want to be dinner"
- "I want to read my ears"
- "Yes, everyone is right, yes" ('Me in every argument')
- "I'm very happy with the animals and you can heal him"
- "Yes yes yes no" cue a temporary Screw This, I'm Outta Here!
- "Beyond the Gulf of Persia"
- "Every single Jesus"
- "I do not like you, you are so beautiful"
- "God, everything!"
- "Aeeeee!"
- ""bad guy"
- "We found Spain near China"
- "Is there confusion?"
- "Sea..." *long Beat* "Pigeons."
- "My soul? Mostly gingerbread."
- "I wanted to fly", followed by billie!Malinda desperately flapping her arms.
- "Food is a Person" Malinda wearing a sign with "food" written on it appears. She later eats a biscuit.
- "Peace is always a shame."
- "May your species be disappointed with the mother!", which sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel.
- The controversial 'might seduce your dad' lyric apparently got translated as: "suffering is the way of life". Seems fitting.
- "I'm biscuits"
- "Huh?"
- Followed by a brief interlude where Billie!Malinda declares that she's left the music business to start a Southern bakery out of boredom.
billie!Malinda: I could f*ck with this biscuit right now.
- the music suddenly changes at this point, becoming a more upbeat "country" version of the song featuring banjo and accordion.
- "I want to be worried about the weather"
- "I'm sorry for my wife"
- Cue another Malinda sticking in her head from off-screen, grinning wildly, with an arrow pointing to her saying "Billie's wife, apparently".
- "I think my mom is reading me, but she does not sing" (with mom!Malinda trying to sing in the background).
- "She will cry at the feet of the men" (????)
- "I'm a caaaaaaaaaaat, and it's a bad thing" (picture of the dislikes on the trailer, and Malinda breaking out into "Memory") "TOUCH ME! IT'S SO EASY TO LEAVE ME!"
- "No-no-no-no-no, just c-cut that shit out"
- "We found Spain near China"
- "Google Translate Tries to Meditate
- "IT'S A NICE DAY!", causing Malinda to look confused.
- The line "It was him" is preceded by a farting noise and Malinda pointing.
- "Stir and mix well", and a confused-looking Malinda stirs a bowl.
- And then later, "Allow to cool for one minute."
- "Look at the ghost (said in a "spooky voice" while a ghost scares Malinda) I felt it in my mouth (Malinda sticks her tongue out) and the baskets of fish".
- "The next pillow will focus on providing air to the stomach" (Malinda holds a pillow to her abdomen and falls over)
- "It is from the womb of the dawn of the unholy womb."
- "Now the criminal body is doing it."
- "Is there tension in your vagina? Man, I'm eager. Will I be judged?"
- "Shoulders, shoulders, shoulders. Other globes, each of the intention of the om."
- For a bit of Black Comedy, "Life is meaningless. You get to pay the price before you get to witness death."
- "They do not know the body of Simon Cowell and only your long feelings are returned."
- "Not just in our minds, thus, those who cannot be controlled by humans" (picture of aliens)
- "These goggles are good", for which Malinda is wearing goggles.
- "Ask yourself what would happen if you become normal? You want to know why you are not alive."
- "If you have a heart attack, you should not think about the past." (Malinda pretends to have a heart attack but still has the confused expression)
- "Diabetes can help you learn brain"
- "The sound of suffering in space, I think, is what you think of."
- "You can see the dead as they come."
- "Take a swan and breathe it into your soul."
- "I came here to fight." (Malinda does a ninja pose and says, 'Hiya')
- "SeƱorita
- "I want to serve the Senate."
- "I guess the viking can be very close..."
- "Acute bleeding from the beginning is hot water."
- "His body fits into my ducks."
- "Oh, I want to run away!"
- "Oh, need to wake up. Oh, you're still asleep."
- This line is portrayed by Viking!Malinda and Senate!Malinda next to the bed of a sleeping Malinda, trying to wake her up.
- Each time this line comes up, the other Malindas near the sleeping Malinda get more and more frustrated, until they are literally yelling at her to wake up.
- "But you do not know how to pet my insect friend."
Malinda: "...It's my little insect friend."
- This line here:
- "The real story is la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!"
- Like the other elongated lines like this. The song stops for a brief moment so that Malinda can catch up. When it comes up the second time:
Malinda, to another Malinda singing the line: "Oh my God, shut up!"
- "Wait, wait for me. (Hey, wait up!)"
- "We hope this makes sense. (Ooh, it doesn't...)"
- "The wine has arrived!"
Malinda: "The wine has arrived! Thank you, Lord!"
- "I want to serve the Senate."
- Google Translate Fixes Your Twitter Bios
- "Subscription Diplimaldinkat is the author of Goss's great national baseball."
- Malinda tries to make something more positive than "I have so many regrets in my life, what's another +1?". It gets worse: "Excuse me for the rest of my life."
- "The evacuation of the building with guest technicians is sufficient. Expect a tweet, especially for video, video, video, some products and a small function."
- "Part of human lust, full-time"
- "We have Keynes fun-sized enthusiasm, not anger here"
- "The Great American God. as much, Music of your blood, and read books."
- "My heart lives in the case of party."
- "I'm the best because my brain is all about learning DM goats."
- "Addict-addicted. The lender wants to be a drawer."
- "With the advancement of technology, fatigue after graduation and the moon continues. [yawn] Sleep time. There is nothing wrong with a burning panda in the cake."
- @Zander_Shephard: "Original Holland printer. She may enjoy using different activities."
- @CeciliaCasella5: "Girly, I'm an unlucky dog and full of ice cream. I found it with jalopy and very interesting. My weakness is weak."
- @Djinnylein's biography was so complex that it translated down to "Dear murderer" note their bio mentions Assassin's Creed early on, so google translate apparently gave up after translating "assassin" to "murderer".
- @anasaenko: "The truth is that terrorists will use Dorcasino Cocoa cheese and leaves smell good."
- "Truth Hurts
" becomes a piano ballad with these lines.
- "Why does this carrot grow?"
- "I went to a DNA test and found it was 100% useless"
- "She was crying like a fool so my baby will not bother me"
- "I am second to God"
- "That's bad"
- "Thank you very much, but that's not my word"
- "Please call me immediately before sending a text message"
- "My best friend lives on a deck chair"
- "Shampoo, hair must go to war"
- "Lightbulb photos with cats"
- "Empty youths in Iowa" note Original line: "New man on the Minnesota Vikings"
- "The harsh reality should be surprising"
- "Philadelphia Eagles First Year" * Wrong team...
- "Boom! Burn! House to bay in destruction of explosion!"
- "Did you put my heart to the test?"
- "Middle section" (actually sung right in the middle of the song)
- "Yes I am very happy that I am coming with a cat"
- "You will never have a chicken biting you"
- "This song is over" (no it isn't)
- "Don't worry, there was a stadium on my knees"
- "If you have a friend, you can apply"
- "What are the benefits of this dam?"
- "I have a straight face, I say I don't write"
- "New graphics and donuts"
- "I didn't play donkey, Scorpio, I was like that"
- "We never stopped flipping like a mouse"
- "Google Translate unboxes Gold Play Button *1 million subscribers!!*
- "Health treatment Lopez. Did you enjoy seeing me?"
- "Today we are very satisfied. Millions of technology diagrams, let's feast!" ("No, no, no, no! No feasting!")
- "When we translate radio stations with us and our team, we cannot give you love."
- "Thank you for the drive."
- "Vancouver Art. Venice. Paris, is greater than you. Las Vegas is a greater man."
- Translation of numbers doesn't work. "One million subscribers" becomes "ten thousand users."
- "Don't expect much if you pursue a career for days."
- "Your thoughts, feelings and voices cannot be shared with millions of people around the world." (opposite of the original)
- "I really know how to help a human life."
- "However, the pride we have your job and I think get Akom gold in the form of waves."
- "When you account for service, you grow. In the next step - it is unlikely that you will reach ten million subscribers." ("HEY!")
- "This may seem far-fetched, but do you remember that a thousand days of your soul?"
- "Thank you-scared! Scared! ...and creatively." [beat] "I'm just a murderer."
- The translated letter isn't from YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, but from "Recorder Susan J. Ginkins, UK".
- "I had the Black and Gold Award. This is very good."
- "Due to our wonderful adventures, it falls on the walls of our studio."
- "You f*** Marlow eggs, but I love you too."
- "Opera According to Google Translate
". Such beautiful lyrics for operatic melody:
- Sous le dome epais (The Flower Duet)
- "Go down the table, Jasmine White"
- "Pink Rose"
- "Joy this morning"
- "Let's go online."
- "Come slowly to your beautiful shirt." (Naturally turned into an opportunity to plug The Merch)
- "Let's escape great contempt"
- "Uncomfortable hand now added to our beaches"
- "The wine contains a song."
Malinda: [sips from a glass of wine] Google Translate loves wine.
- O mio babbino caro
- "Yes, dad, sounds good to me. I'd like to see a port."
- "Buy a mail" (holds up an envelope)
- "If you need a pig."
- "Ponte Vecchio to the Post"
- "But the order of the flowers, take severe and chillies."
- "OMG!" (The original lyric does translate to "oh God", but the text-speak is Sophisticated as Hell in this context - Malinda says she wants to see an opera where someone actually sings "OMG")
- "What You Care!"
- Nessun Dorma
- "Failure is good!"
- "Loser, loser."
- "Heels, why?!"
- Libiano ne' lieti calici
- "Purple Life for joy."
- "We like a cup of music."
- "Bee, night, money."
- Sous le dome epais (The Flower Duet)
- "La vie En Rose
- The first half is a translation of the original French song.
- "Eyes that bother me, the police officer has"
- "I saw red" ("I'M SO MAD AT YOU")
- "Do it for the sesame seeds"
- "The fun part, she's already dead"
- "It's a heap in my life"
- "He told me new swear words"
- "Bra is very good. He was happy with Moscow"
- "Stress and depression arise. I'm glad I died."
- The second half is a translation of the alternate English version.
- "The rocket has lost its magic"
- "Wow is Rosario"
- "The sky screams in pain"
- "This song seems unpopular"
- "Plastic dog!" (Which ironically comes moments after the line "let me make sense")
- The first half is a translation of the original French song.
- "Into the Unknown
- You know you're in for a good time when the reoccurring riff changes damn near every time.
- "Ah fire ah"
- "I'm really sorry"
- "Oops!"
- "Oh no, the saucepan!"
- "Oh, oh, get rich"
- "What a waste"
- "Oh man"
- "Yikes!"
- "Too bad"
- Starting with "oh, oh, get rich!" these lines are juxtaposed with appropriate headlines from some of the more mixed or negative Frozen II reviews - for instance "get rich" is followed by a headline calling it a "quest for sequel money".
- "I can hear you...but I can't hear you"
- "I'm afraid of horses in Finnland"
- "I'm a flying person, entertaining and free"
- "Fight with strangers!"
- Cue two sequences of Elsa!Malinda fighting off random images, including a Frozen troll, Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Donald Trump, a little devil, Kristoff, Baby Yoda, someone yelling, Hitler, and a green alien.
- The final "Into the unknown" is not translated as "Fight with strangers" but simply as "Pineapple."
- "What does the kitchen want?"
- "Do you think your role is important..."("IT'S NOT!") (Sung to an image of Kristoff)
- You know you're in for a good time when the reoccurring riff changes damn near every time.
- "Google Translate does my Night Time Routine (PARODY)
- "These are my friends, and Catullus, Malinda Reese, we'll take you by bus at night."
- "Will not is a serious error of the dollar in what I see and I think the club is the support for the."
- "I work late when I return for ten or ten months."
- "Building a computer to do something to do something for my pains in the head. Or reading books, tea, or hot water with my head down."
- "I am ready to go to the bathroom when I go to the bathroom."
- "Vote time!" ("REGISTER TO VOTE!!")
- "If you know that you can swim in the morning, pick a trak, and organ or organization in Gojubaoiru and set your hair, until the hair is broken."
- "I put it under my desk to help heat the rain oven."
- "At night, my bath in New York will completely ruin my skin as I sleep."
- "I started off with a whip. The skin was then repaired with debris."
- "I use butter to hide it in place with mine and several new boxes that wrap around my legs and arms."
- "Avocado helps fight tongue and hair. Finally, I listened to a gentle, happy spirit."
- "The cushions face my sink and shampoo with the vaccine so that my eyelids were not tempted to come back inside."
- "This is an example of how the Dollar Shave Club works." ("Oh. Oh that was actually helpful")
- "It has good moisturizing hair. Winter is a wonderful fragrance and skin damage."
- "I take off a lightweight sweater and put my head in a bra."
- "I tonic, wet, and use my blood. I learned how to manage my pain for many years because my brain was skin." [beat] "Gross."
- "Includes Includes." [beat] "I don't know."
- "Please remember that I wanted to share what products?"
- "Calling Kate a dollar foundation would be a holiday gift. So, your favorite place for gift cards. So the favorite cards for sex cards."
- "And if you sign up now, you can get this kit butter and pre-made lawn executive handling for only five dollars."
- "Memory
" from Cats
- "Uncle's voice comes from the tarmac"
- "Moon dementia"
- "Collection of dried leaves with a candle in my shoe"
- "Then the wind begins to suck"
- "This is a mirror"
- "I'm a yippeudago" ("I have no idea...")
- "I know he does not cheat, but he will." ("Just wait")
- "The beer is back" ("Thank god")
- "The handsome man was on fire and was already lit." (As the kids say...) "Wait dude, it will be breakfast"
- "I had a dodo in the sunrise"
- "I want to die forever...I'm back" ("Sorry, just had to get that out of my system)
- "The previous day was tomorrow."
- "Moses smokes outside"
- "You're the banana. Here's a bad smell."
- "Dead birds; as well as the editor"
- "Christmas! It was eaten and I was gone!"
- "It will be a unique memorial"
- "My son, don't let me know happiness"
- "This is not a new day" ("It's literally still nighttime")
- "Google Translate RUINS T'was the Night Before Christmas
- ""the child is a child" (and later, "the snow is like snow")
- Quite a few lines feel like some sort of Darker and Edgier take on the poem, with Santa committing murder ("I soon learned that he was killed by St. Nick"), working his reindeer until they bleed ("he travels and his team is bleeding"), delivering presents of a rather more adult sort ("Saint Nicolas sleigh of sex toys"), and attempting suicide ("He put his head in the oven").
- Even more hilarious is Malinda's reaction to the last two. ("No, no, no, no...!" and "No, Santa, no!")
- "Thor winks and unlocks the locusts"
- "A small animal and eight people!" (blinks and grins) "Now that's an image!"
- "I feel like I'm starving"
- "And the baby can fly faster than the storm"
- "So fly"
- "The tree oozes flutes"
- "Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog."
- "Google Translate Explains How to Wash Your Hands
- "Oops!"
- "As the explosives or breastfeeding police was around the early 1900s."
- "The centre of disease control was constantly warning us of the most active protection and diaper says."
- "Comfort the bag with your own hands and water nearby." (She gently strokes a handbag, with running water sound effects in the background)
- "The hands are gone" (she holds up her hands and they're invisible.)
- "Hands are palms and clothes dust."
- "Your Majesty, the army is committed to your Lord, that it will not be yours. Repeat the activity!"
- "Clap your hands."
- "Time to wash your hands and fingers with dry grass" (she tries to do just that.)
- "Open your neck and bend your hips. This is a prison practice."
- "You must also straighten your hands to prevent ambush"
- "Wash fruit later."
- "Clean your ass."
- "The World Health Organisation recommends the simultaneous use of tofu especially if there is a risk of torture."
- "It is best to manually wash your face while lying in bed."
- "Otherwise, the attack would look bad."
- Google Translate Makes a Mask
- "Long live my shampoo friends!"
- "Wearing a hat all over your face helps reduce the prevalence of coyote populations."
- "If you are tired of using only Bajana and ancient sharks."
- "Mention and review the Armenian holidays"
- "You may have a shiny face"
- "Beware of coffee as a guest. This is not a place of safety."
- "Zoom in, zoom out, filter."
- "Consider photos and balloons."
- "Lengthen the shoe." (she tries to do so)
- "You can also wear hand shoes"
- "While attacking some people around the head belt, he raised his ears."
- "The most important thing to remember is Time-Time-Time-Time-Time-Time."
- "You can stand under the mustache for attaching great importance to the chin pull fabric spear."
- "Die and wash your hands."
- "Healthy and safe for no one!"
- Country Roads (ft. Jared Halley)
- This one ends up being a bit too relevant to the COVID-19 quarantines, so you get lines like
- "Road trip / I am at home"
- "Cry for the third time this month"
- "Set aside time to scream"
- "Go to your room"
- "Blue Mountains, Shenanda." note "close enough"
- "Where am I?"
- "You're at home. Where you should be."
- "Virgins of the West, mount up"
- "I remember your memories"
- "Then I heard a voice and the dog said / He told me to kill the radio"
- "The miner is a lady with green juice."
- The accompanying visuals depict Jared trying to take a road trip while a CDC worker played by Malinda tries to shut him down.
- This one ends up being a bit too relevant to the COVID-19 quarantines, so you get lines like
- "Hey There Deliliah"
- the constant Accidental Misnaming of Delilah, including "Barry Delida", "Dolly", "Daril", and "Yummy Yummy".
- "Girl, you're so female tonight", which sounds like a bad pickup line.
- "Space is suffering from anxiety."
- "My dog is a dog (she's a dog)" (naturally, another cameo for Malinda's dog ensues)
- "You be good, and don't you miss me" becomes "you're mediocre, I will not miss you".
- "Forced Aloha."
- "My face fell off when I heard my voice."
- The translated lyrics claim someone named Bill Peter "knows everything about you" - Bill Peter is represented by an unknown stock photo model, and as Malinda sings "he knows everything about you", there's an ominous closeup of his eyes, complete with Scare Chord.
- "Google Translate Explains How to Vote (do not do this)
- "If a full combat opera sings, we cannot get a bed. An unusual general election in 2020."
- "We assessed the situation this year and saw good people." Prompting Straight Man!Malinda to just snark, "Ever the optimist."
- "He already had a bone in October. [points casually] Dragon. [the dragon "attacks" normal Malinda]"
- "The best way to do this [check your voter registration] is to use a real dark spider as a spy, and do your day-to-day work. My time tipsy. [falls over]"
- "40 countries have 600 voting rights. Not for long."
- "Meaning if you're a local DMV, you can go to markets, shops, or public libraries."
- "Be aware of the paper. Jail the paper."
- "As a member, list your favorite sports. [counts off] Basketball, football, soccer, squash—"
- "A vote of the Bank of England may be required. You can opt for your first official beauty salon."
- "The Minister of Foreign Affairs must comply with the rules and regulations of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of this bill, thus ensuring the appropriateness of the Minister of Foreign Affairs."
- "The second measure is bananas."
- "The second choice is the first choice."
- "No matter how many countries, Moses will reduce these problems due to global instability in October 24 and secure thse elections." ("I don't think Moses is gonna help you on this one")
- "It comes naturally to vote on November 3rd, the official day of weeding."
- "Consider two ways to pray in bed."
- "Usually there is a refund. Are you looking for a website ready to vote?"
- "I'll visit and I'll go slow."
- "In the case of sadness or the robots are falling, request a new book."
- "You see the bag." (Though Malinda has already started her next point, Google Translate!Malinda won't let her continue until she acknowledges that she does in fact see the bag)
- "As you ask, an important step is to look for the equivalent vote of a ballet dancer to complete this step."
- "Tudja Meg provides information on Font Menile in Zeroth, AJocket on Televifasocate, AZKet ACL Uhonlapjanteszika. You do not know."
- "Never Gonna Give You Up"
- The setup for the video is Malinda getting "rickrolled" by Google Translate itself.
- Rick Astley is a bit more ambivalent about commitment after the translation:
Total devotion, I guess...
- The chorus:
I do not want to pay
I'll never do that again
Don't lean on the table
You are not allowed to cry
Don't let me hurt the camels
- Rick is in a doctor's office, looking through a folder of medical records:
"You have heart disease, but I can't tell"
- "Don't speak impulsively" is illustrated by Donald Trump in front of a microphone.
- "I will never die, I will never die"
Malinda: You literally won't though! How is this meme still relevant?
- "Baby, It's Cold Outside"
- "It's mold outside"
- "It's sold outside" (Tom stands in front of a drawing of a house with a 'sold" sign )
- "But Karid, my mother was Satan's wife." "Linda, what are you doing?!"
- "Neighbors gonna think." "Baby, that's bad."
- "How to drink water (starts to gurgle)" "No cups"
- "No, no, no" "You fly an airplane, right?"
- "Hot girlfriend outside" (both Malinda and Tom ogle the oblivious woman)
- "God, my mouth is delicious."
- "My sister is on Moon Street" "Axes in the Sand"
- "My mind is a naughty virgin aunt." "Shh!"
- "Maybe I have smoked something else?" "I have never done anything wrong."
- "You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh?" (Malinda mouths "What?")
- "There are monsters" "I can't imagine the rest of your hand."
- "Would you like to see this?" (Malinda motions to her held up hand) "How do I do that?"
- "Talk about salt in my wounds." "D'oh!"
- "If you have acne, you will die."
- "Can't draw" "I can't kill Grandpa!"
- "It's mold outside"
- "Google Translate Explains Evolution
- "The rhinoceros's roar will transform the Earth!"
- "Existential Hot Pockets", complete with a Hot Pocket in Nerd Glasses.
- "But it does indicate the beginning of trout existence (a trout appears as Scientist Tom shakes his head in disgust). We are now one of eight living beings."
- "In the bidet..."
- "The alive people are able to (suggestive voice) make love."
- "They train those that need to store DNA cells in order to survive and thrive in the workplace."
- "The knowledge in your DNA is changing into a talking daffodil's DNA and that is the reason you act like a flower."
- "The storage box in your acid is joined by Miley Cyrus, and you need not look for her." (illustrated with a storage box and Miley Cyrus in a beaker of acid)
- "DNA celebration errors (confetti flies) can alter the amount of potassium larva dances. This is called 'record rotation'."
- "A functional body is not received by that ugly person." He then points at Scientist Tom, who looks just like him.
- "Amphibian relationships, for example, can be a lie here."
- "The larger the prescription, the smaller the rectum."
- "His eyes looked back to the end."
- "Here's a new chicken: a machine that produces the DNA for my dad."
- "Each dog can distinguish each other's ears and fingers." (Scientist Tom corrects him, saying that it's paws, not fingers.)
- "When in love with a funny dog, the DNA is tied to his wife, and at least the kids have funny ears!"
- Scientist Tom rocking out to the definition of evolution.
- "Minor changes may require knee replacement."
- "We'll see all the dogs from the hot pink wolf clan." (Scientist Tom says, "No, nope.")
- "We need to interpret the meaning of those words."
- "Google Translate Explains The COVID-19 Vaccine
- "When viruses enter our bodies, large amounts of money enter our bodies"
- "The character, a pomegranate, is a fantastic piano dance on the first floor, swimming and hitting the necromancer"
- "How can a soul be known in a simulation?"
- "It was not clear to them that the three taxis could have a Goofy virus. The vaccine is designed to make dark cerebral foods without resting in a sandwich"
- "What's it like to be on a pillow?" (Malinda graciously hands Tom a pillow so he can find out for himself)
- "Once vaccinated, enjoy dehydration and anemia!"
- "Most people lose their hair as they get older" (remarkably sensical and scientifically accurate, albeit wildly off-topic)
- "Stop the disease and use all available cocaine and scoops"
Malinda: Don't do drugs!
- "The Wellerman"
- "Hope the gardener will come soon."
- "Give us sugar, tea, and space"
- "One day the world is done licking"
- "He has not left the bank in two weeks"
- "When she landed on it, the woman gave birth to a suitable whale"
- "Everyone is holding a spoon and fighting with it"
- "Bring my sisters booty with tea and rum."
- "Get on the train (Yes)"
- As the Yes part is being sung, another Malinda comes in to get on the train.
- "Forty days of crying, log off then on again"
- "There is no such thing as a leopard"
- "Eminem"
- "He opened it and said, "Monkeys were coming!"
- "It's crazy, but is it easy to edit? No" (Tom is shown editing the video itself)
- "He fails, he knows everything."
- The entire hook to "My Name Is":
"Bongo!" "This is not my name."
"Soup?" This is not my name."
- "Now I know that my mother is older than me."
- "I moisturize my face with a cream. A staple followed him. The bandage is attached to the package!"
- "Jogging is not uncommon in the menu room" (Tom even puts extra emphasis on the assonant syllables, the way Eminem himself might do: "Jogging is not uncommon...")
- "I love laziness so everything is fine"
- "I woke up crying, that sounds bad"
- "Now I have a knife in my neck here. I can't really breathe, but I will do my best"
- "I am Louis Lanman, the real man!"
- "Hate me, and I like it. Mustard"
- "Wherever I go, I leave you with four" (Tom gestures at four bottles of mustard on a table)
- "The more she wants to be an artist, the more pain she feels" - illustrated with Pam from The Office (US) looking upset in a paint-spattered sweatshirt
- "You saved my life. I hate you. I want to stay"
- "I'm sorry, I'm drunk. Who is that man?" (as Tom is standing next to himself)
- "I don't know his name. I took his bat. I do not tolerate such a party!"
- As Malinda sings the final "Love The Way You Lie" chorus, Tom is in the background, fooling around with the plastic bat and mustard props from earlier in the video.
- "Google Translate Makes Breakfast
- Coffee
- "Eat coffee, punk, eggs, and pasta! First things first, coffee. It will get better soon."
- "The coffee and funeral page is in French."
- "Heat the kettle and pour the kettle slowly onto the floor."
- "At 4 minutes, I stir the black pepper."
- "After 4 minutes, I shook my head a bit and fell to the ground."
- "I drink coffee, so don't drink too long because the coffee won't cry."
- "I added milk and sugar, and it was over!"
- Scrambled eggs
- "We have to eat NOW!" (As Malinda says this, she jumps impatiently on the spot)
- "I believe in a small pan and small weakest boxes."
- "Add no herbs. For the fear of garlic, add flour, fresh herbs, salt, and pepper daily."
- "If you don't like tea and tea if you like cream, I also recommend pickle and jalapeƱo ice cream."
- "I put the eggs in a large bowl. Be careful not to eat. Personally, this is a struggle."
- "If you are looking for a place to stay, we have patches and dresses."
- Pancakes
- "I took my favorite biscuits and threw the biscuits away. I added some water to soak it in some oil."
- "I pack everything, throw away the cardboard, and take nothing."
- "Now add the cinnamon sticks to the tortillas. [sniffs them] It smells bad."
- "Next time, I take a tray of milk from the pan, center it, and break it, and leave the pancake. (You can add fruit or chocolate if you want)"
- "Then I turned around until I had a gold [medal] and a beautiful golden flag."
- Sausages
- "When you're ready to do the work...buy your breakfast and place it at the end of the table."
- "I will go through each section, but you can watch it in black and white if you want. Adding gelatin baking soda is NOT recommended."
- "Do you think tomorrow's delicious protein food will kill you for me? [Evil Laugh] I hope Google Translate confuses you."
- Coffee
I Hate It When I Take a Shit and the Toilet Water Hits My Ass Message Baby Yoda Smoothie :flushed:
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/TwistedTranslations
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