6 tips for cooking meat so it's done perfectly every time

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There are certain tips that will help ensure your meat is cooked perfectly every time.
Daniel Goodman / Business Insider

Some of the most difficult types of food to cook properly are different types of meat. No matter your cooking skills, it can be tough to gauge whether or not that delicious steak is ready to leave the pan or if your hamburgers are just the right shade of pink.

If you're tired of over or under-estimating cooking times and need some help figuring things out, try these reliable tips.

Don't worry about cooking times.

Cooking times will vary so don't worry.

First, just throw all the cooking times you've learned or read out the window. Reluctant Gourmet reminded us that the instructions in any cookbook would be "great," if " everyone's oven or grill were exactly the same. "

Don't go by the cooking times you read on the internet or what someone suggested to you, because it's bound to be different, and you won't be able to tell how done the meat is using this method, after all.

Buy a meat thermometer.

You won't regret the purchase.
Jon Beard/Shutterstock

This is a no-brainer of a tip, but you'd be shocked to hear just how many people don't bother to take this crucial step when starting to cook for themselves. Food & Wine suggests that " everyone has one on hand. "

There's a good reason for that: It's the most accurate measurement you're going to get when it comes to the temperature your meat will be cooked at. If you're trying to adhere strictly to temperatures for picky eaters who want "rare" when they say "rare," it's an especially good idea to grab one.

Use the "finger test" for rare or medium steak.

If it's soft and squishy, it's not done.
AP Photo/Larry Crowe

If you like your steak prepared rare or medium, you can rely on the "finger test" to figure out whether it's cooked to the temperature you prefer. To perform the test, Mashed said, " Open up your hand so that your palm is facing up. Relax it and use the index finger of your other hand to press slightly below the base of your thumb. You'll feel that it's soft and squishy. If your meat feels this way to the touch, then you'll know it's still raw inside."

For rare steaks, you can do the same thing. You'll want to instead open your hand, touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb, and then keep in mind how that area feels. It should feel firm with "tension," according to mashed. With that kind of feeling, your meat is probably rare.

Use your face as an easy indicator.

For medium-well, your steak should feel like your forehead.
JPphoto1992 / iStock

Much like the "finger test," you can use your face to help you figure out if your meat is done cooking. For a medium-rare steak, your meat " should feel like your cheek: tender and soft but still fleshy, " and if you like it medium, "touch your chin." For medium-well, your steak "should feel like your forehead," according to Food52.

This may be a bit of a strange way to tell whether the meat is finished cooking or not, but if you don't have any special tools around, it could definitely help you salvage the meal without having to use so much guesswork.

For chicken, scope out those juices

It's done when the juice is clear.

If you're cooking chicken instead of steak, make sure you check and see how juicy the meat is. You don't have to carve it open. Gusto recommends pressing on it by taking it away from the heat source and using " the flat side of a fork to press down on it. "

It's simple: "If the liquids run clear, dinner is served. If liquids look cloudy or pink, pop it back in for a few minutes and check again." This should help you prepare that delicious dinner in no time.

Check for shrinkage.

It should shrink a significant amount.

When meat is cooked, it obviously will get a little smaller. If you see that there are marks on the outside, or that it looks nice and caramelized but mainly the same size as when you began cooking, chances are it's probably not done.

Eating Well said that "the change will be subtle," and if the meat is "quite a bit smaller" than when you started, it could actually be overcooked.

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